What is everyone’s favorite flying/ground mount(s) and how’d you acquire it?

Flameward Hippogryph,got it through running molten offense and fireland rep. Got to look good :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks man I appreciate that!!! :slight_smile:

I liked the white wolf mount from Alterac Valley, it was a very , very long grind in AV on a guardian druid for Frostwolf rep in Classic. Retail you merely need a few hundred honor and visit the Quartermaster north of Tarren Mills.
The only drawback is when they have like a timewalk PVP weekly event , the wolf is missing from the vendor, so bear that in mind.

Ash-adar, Harbinger of Dawn. I got it when the trading post first came out. Emerald Pandaren Phoenix (MoP CM mount) is another flying mount I like a lot.

For ground mounts, it’s the Enchanted Wakener’s Runestag. I wish runestags could fly like the Grove Warden does.

Aotc mount for SL even my tauren doesn’t look stupid riding it…

my fav mount was the violet proto drake which i got during wrath
it was my favorite because i noticed the small hands it had under its belly during cata and it immediately turned me off

i actually really like the big nelf cat mounts. their paws are huge and i just really like them

i also really love this peacock mount at the trading post.

what about the duck mount

Yeah we finally got ducks in the game when added with Dragon Flight now we need some duck mounts :duck:

what about a sparrow mount

Just recently got the Gilnean Prowler which is ADORABLE.

Sandstone Drake because I can now help people and have you seen it’s face?? I love it.

Spirit of Eche’ro because I did so many digsites to get him and he can fly now!

Sunwarmed Furline because cats. Need I say more?

Compass Rose is really cool, especially with the summoning animation.

The Dreadwake because pirate ship.

Annnd Thundering Ruby Cloud Serpent because he’s beautiful (though I’m not fond of the snake-like movement)

what about a top

Silver Covenant Hippogryph! :cowboy_hat_face:

Annoying and years long grind cause I’d get super motivated and be on the dailies every day then hit phases where I’d give up lol

I’ll stick with my Love Rocket :rocket: for flying and Magic Rooster Egg :chicken: when grounded too the ground.

The humble winged guardian from the store back in Cata. Still one of regularly used favourites and one of the few older mounts I still use

The Choppa is my favorite ground mount by a mile.

The dread wake for flying mount.

Winterspring Frostsaber…because I spent so many hours grinding for that thing back in the day. (And I actually did it twice, for two different characters before mounts became account-wide…and then I did it again in Classic. Something is wrong with me.)

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i tend to like class mounts.

My favorite ground mount is still the warlock deadsteed because I solo’d the quest on the last day it was available.

flying mount? might be infinite timereaver. lucky drop

I also like the sunreaver dragonhawk from the argent tournament days.

Grand Armored Wyvern.
Earned it simply enough by doing MoP dailies, but I really enjoyed those particular Alliance verse Horde dallies.
Excited to use my Wyvern with Dragon Riding in TWW.

Squawks. Got him from those island expeditions. I was really lucky and it didn’t take very long to drop. Rare instance of me being lucky.

flying → Soar. It feels really good to have wings and (finally) be able to use them for travel.

ground-> For cosmetics, Crab. I’d posted the idea every so often since Cata (possibly earlier?), even asked for the rotated 90 degrees thing. Was pretty pumped when they announced one for BfA. I didn’t end up getting that one because I quit BfA due to not liking the story and not having time to raid, but I was pumped when they released a second one through the Trading Post.

Otter is my 2nd favorite but most used for being a ground and water mount at the same time, and not needing to switch if i go from water to land or vice versa.