I love to use Hand of Bahmethra, Sanctum Gloomcharger’s Reins, and Vengeance as my ground and flying mounts respectively. Vengeance is by far my favorite right now and it will forever be. It reminds me so much of the Dark Rangers aesthetic. Took me nearly a year for it to drop for me.
But what is everyone’s favorite ground and flying mount(s)?
I like my Hearthstone mount the most. It just kind of works on any character.
Old Blanchy.
Hanging out with the alliance fishing in a river for weeks waiting for this thing to spawn.

Time lost proto drake because I got absurdly lucky.
Cartel Glider last few months. Shows off my glorious Eredar physique!
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same, got the time lost proto while flying to a raid night on my hunter.
Ground: Amani War Bear, got from carrying the team one of the several times we cleared the ZA raid bear runs.
Air: tough one, Armored Bloodwing maybe, which i received as a gift, or Invincible which i got from my mount grind many years ago at this point.
Ground, toss up between Baron Rivendares Charger, and that Warlords Deathwheel.
Flying, I like Invincible.
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If the Divine Kiss of Ohn’ahra can dynamically fly next expansion then I’ll probably exclusive use that; I like full transformation mounts.
Midnight, the new version from Return to Karazhan.
It’s the nicest, sleekest, red undead horse mount in this entire game, imo.
Funnily enough, I got that mount BEFORE I got the original Fiery Warhorse’s Reins.
And what’s also funny, is that I got both within the span of the same week.
Attumen is laughing at me, I swear.
At the moment, for this character…
Flying- Tie between the Red flying cloud from Pandaria or the broom from November’s TP.
Ground- the little battle bound war hound from Maldraxxus.
The Lightforged Warframe is by far my favorite mount in the game…and I paid 500K gold for it
Favorite ground mount is Hogrus, the Swine of Good Fortune from the Blizz store…I guess it can also fly but whatevs
Green netherwing dragon, shark dragons are adorable ,for ground i always like the stormwind steed i know its kinda basic but i always like the armored horse model.
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I like the horses. I like the sound of them galloping along. One thing that I’ve found funny about Classic is that I forgot how Blood Elves can ride at level 20 but we have to ride on flightless birds.
The funny part is that Blood Elves have a sense of entitlement, even to the point of being arrogant. It’s funny seeing them have to bounce along while riding those chickens.
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omg I have a couple the headless hoursmena mount , squeakers… my fire breathing horse and the celestal mounts and my scorpian well becaue im a scorpio makes sense right lol… but I really want spider one !!!
Lucid Nightmare.
Lucid nightmare.
Hivemind. It’s basically the perfect shadow priest mount.
Depends on the character for the most part.
For ground, i typically use the llothian prowler.
On my monk main, i ride ban-lu the class order hall mount
I still love my Spectral tigers.
I opened the card in a TCG pack over a decade ago and that thrill of seeing it is still memorable to this day.
(fwiw: I don’t care if others have the mount nor do I care if everyone had the mount. It will always hold a special place for me.)
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