What is everyone’s favorite flying/ground mount(s) and how’d you acquire it?

My guild worked hard for this one. It was instantly my favorite and has been my go to for so long

I just use my gryphon, cos … dorf. My hunter pet is a gryphon too. Same model except different colors. Its a theme.

do you prefer gliding dragons or real flight???

I prefer normal flight I hate dragon flying …it kills my hands and wrists…

Crimson Pandarean Phoenix. From MoP Challenge Mode, it required you to get silver in every dungeon.

I sometimes see other people riding them, and its like, "YOU! You’re just like me! :smiley: "

For flying my beautiful Love rocket :rocket: and for ground running my Magic Rooster Egg mount :chicken: best dang mounts in game I feel.

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My favorite ground mount of definitely my Zulian Tiger.

I remember two guildies and I were running old ZG for fun and the mount dropped. I lost the roll, but offered to buy it from our healer. He just gave it to me, told me to keep my money, and left it at that. I tried so hard to at least give him some gold for it but he refused everything, such a nice dude.

Haven’t seen him online in over a decade but I always remember him when I ride that mount

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Had the Black War Tiger when you could only get it through honour ranks, as a human. So that also meant grinding to exalted with Darn to ride it, as you couldn’t ride other racial mounts in Vanilla without it.

Favorite flying mount is Grove Warden.
My pick for ground mount is Meat Wagon.

I, uh, I don’t really have particular reasons, I just like these mounts a lot.

Although I’ve played WoW on and off for 19 years or so, I only have 83 out of the 900 or so mounts available (AFAIK).

Almost none of the rare or cool ones, and nothing that’s from beating a raid or being really good at PvP, because I’m not that hardcore a player.

For a ground mount I’d probably say Red Skeletal Horse, because it was my first mount, IIRC. Playing an undead in 2005, it took some time and effort to get that.

For flying mounts, Spirit of Eche’ro (Legion archaeology), Lucid Nightmare (got this by running round in circles for several hours) and Headless Horseman’s Mount (random drop from the Hallow’s End event).

You didn’t ask, but I only have one aquatic mount: Great Sea Ray, so I guess that’s my favourite. Spent a bit of time fishing for that one.

Yeah, same here this mount is pretty sweet. Also, it is a small mount easy to fit in doors and windows.

Invincible, I was running ICC for one of the staff transmogs and decided on a whim after blood queen that I may as well finish the raid for once.

Was maybe my 10th LK kill ever in as many years.

I really like gmod, my favourite is newly acquired this year …. The pink love rocket.

For ground mount I like the purple bird from legion that you get from finding the open portal


It took me 2 1/2 hours to complete the maze, I had my last orb, and I was one room away from completing it aaaand…

Server maintenance. Had to restart the WHOLE thing. Lol

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Oh god. I’m so sorry. I can imagine what that felt like. :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:

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Big big congrats on getting the Love Rocket Qwaterpound… :hugs: :hugs:

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Rukhmar’s fire bird… 1000~ kills to get it and still a very lovely mount.

Ji-Kun… another bird mount I enjoy using.

The hand (glove?) mounts, especially the golden one.

And the raven lord is an oldie but a goodie.

For this character I like to use hippogryphs for flying mounts and cats for ground mounts.

I was using the val’sharah hippogryph in old zones before dragonriding went worldwide and will probably return to it when dynamic flying comes.

I just switched to using the morning flourish dreamsaber as my ground mount.

Each of my alts has their own mount choices.

Druid Flight Form and Tyrael’s Charger.

mage tower book mount, love that mount. nothing else like it in the game.

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