What is everyone’s favorite flying/ground mount(s) and how’d you acquire it?

My Undercity Plaguebat. Lady Sylvanas herself gave it to me.

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Midnight from Return to Karazhan

Time lost proto drake. Someone was alerting everyone in general chat just before I zoned into Ulduar. Very lucky

Lucid Nightmare. The process of getting this mount was absolutely annoying, but worth it to me.

Everyones favorite is the Love Rocket but nobody aquired it. :smirk:

The “not a mount” Travel Forms. Specifically cheetah and storm crow. Even like the updated cheetah form.

Ground mount…probably those wolf mounts from WoD with the packs on their hinds. Anything that has pouches packs, bags, etc is something I like, including some of the leg and belt mogs with them.

Flying mount…Not sure I have a favorite yet. Likely something smallish that doesnt fill up half the screen from behind, Id guess.

I have like 7 favourites only and mostly because of rarity I use Time Reaver and Love Rocket, but also GMOD because it looks good and Grinning Reaver because it’s gone from the shop and turns an eye on occasion.

Love Rocket I got this year on the second last day after well over 1000 attempts, Time Reaver I got lucky in a guild raid of BT while we were farming the achievement for those with the Glaives and when I got GMOD I got Shackled Urzul, GMOD and the red mount from Nighthold on the same day, that was a good day.

And I also use Fabious as my aquatic mount because of rarity, I just love showing off.

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My new favourite and long desired is:

  1. Love rocket (got on the last day of the 2024 event).

  2. Invincible - farmed until I got, took a couple of years I think I got it on Christmas eve a few years back.

  3. Gmod - got it in a pug raid back when the raid was current. I spammed the mount special and ran around with it so much in excitement after getting the group threatened to kick me unless I chilled out lol.

But yeah my dream mount I finally got and will be my permamount unless dragon flying is love rocket.

i still prefer the class original class mounts. I especially love my warlock’s mount because I soloed that content on the very last day you needed all the mats and had to kill a dungeon boss and it was difficult for an average player like me to do. Plus that mount has lovely green fire.

My favorite mount depends on the character I’m on. I generally tend to match the mount theme with the class theme.

For example I use Midnight and the new dead proto drake on my DK.

I use the tangled Dreamweaver and the AOTC moose on my Druid.

My all time fav mount is my Bloodfang Widow. I tend to use it all the time on all toons.

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I had such an awful maze layout that it took me a regrettable amount of time.

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Ground is toss-up between Junkheap Drifter (5th Rustfeather kill) and Bloodfang Widow (order tables FTW). Flying is Spirit of Eche’ro. The bee and jellyfish are fun but “Ghost Moose is best moose”. :hear_no_evil::see_no_evil::speak_no_evil:

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seethes in dozens of kills in BFA and still not having the mount

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Flaming Hippogryph from the endless Firelands dailies.

Kitteh Cat mount, $25 on the Shop. Only thing (besides the game) I’ve bought off the shop, but I HAD to have it. There was a crack of a sonic boom as the money flew out of my account.

I honestly don’t have any real attachment to any of my dragon mounts, though obviously they see a lot of use today, and since my Kitteh flies, I don’t use my Hippogryph that much any more either. But it’s still my “favorite flying mount”, I’m just to lazy to use another button.

I like Hippogryphs in general, I still need the two from Legion (Dungeon hero, and the one from Azsuna). Some day.

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It depends on my characters… for a long time my fav general mount for everyone was the azure drake from EoE. My nelfs preferred the Cenarion War Hippogryph.

These days it’s my Infinite Time Reaver, or the Tazavesh Gearglider.

I think my fav ground mount was always the Swift Stormsaber - only because it was such a grind to get the gold to buy the mount training and the kitteh eons ago. Very first swift mount from master riding in Vanilla.

Took a while, but 100% worth it:

This is a great mount! The summoning animation versus wringing hands; the idle stance on the mount; the fact it flies; it’s small (so it doesn’t visually impede others; and the special action when in a no-fly zone.

Bonus points for coming from Ah’leah…err So’leah:

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i love all of the unicorns. i have all but the wild dreamrunner, currently working on it, and pureheart courser (which is fine because it looks so similar to ascended skymane). i have them all in my summon random favorite mount

my priest has a bunch of mogs that go really well with fallen charger. lovely mount but its a shame it doesnt fly

i also love new midnight but havent had any luck getting it to drop

Yeppers! Honestly, part of the reason why I love the gearglider is because of years of having my bird form and travel forms be a somewhat smaller mount size - I crash into gosh darn everything with the wing spans/size of some of the other mounts.


By killing the Lich King repeatedly repeatedly.
(No I didn’t stutter)