What is everyone’s favorite flying/ground mount(s) and how’d you acquire it?

For Flying there is nothing better then the Love Rocket :rocket:…for ground running…the Magic Rooster Egg is the best land mount :chicken:

It really depends on the character. For this one:

  • Ground mount - Mystic Runesabre, purchased (It can fly too).
  • Flying mount - Broom, trading post.
  • Dragon - Algarian Stormrider - Pre-purchase reward.

I like cat mounts. Most of my Alliance characters use one, except the Gnomes that ride Mechanostriders.

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Heavily dependent on the character. What do they look good on, what fits their background.

Kaioon ride:

Ground- Iron Horde Elekk
Flying- Awakened Protodrake.

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Headless Horseman’s Mount. I got it by getting lucky.

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Hogrus and the Elusive Quickhoof (alpaca mount) on my gnome characters.

I find myself using the Tamed Mauler a lot on my draenei priest main. I have no idea why I like it so much.

The Zereth Overseer was the mount I’d been the most excited to get in a very long time. Still use it a lot when I’m not on a dragonriding mount.

I think you can get the saddles from rated solo shuffle. Don’t quote me on that, though. Despite really liking the look of a lot of those vicious saddle mounts, I’m just too much of a carebear to actually buckle down and learn some PvP.

Thank you! I’m gunna try to start the 6 day ride tonight!


no. this 6 day ride will NOT succeed.


pushing boulders into revendreth JOURNEY IS CLOSED! kaboom!

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we need to faithfully ensure we don’t stop believin’ that the destination is within reach:


im sorry revendreth is closed.

lightforged warframe cuz its a giant paladin mecha

i like the violet spellwing for mage

and ashes is my all time fave

Fair enough, I haven’t done much pvp since legion and even that was just casual bgs.

Mechacyle. I got it by grinding for 2 months straight and getting lucky with a couple gm tickets because of a bugged drop and a rare that hadn’t spawned in 2 months needing to be reset.

I am keen towards the Swift Zulian Panther for ground (I am an RPer lol) which I farmed for as my character has an all black saber pet and I simply wished to be able to use it for mount purposes too.

Additionally I really like the Silver Covenant Hippogryph also for in-character. There is a long winded manner in how my character received this hippogryph in-character but I also had to GRINNNND for that mount and it was so incredibly satisfying once I had it. I do feel a tinge of smugness when I whip it out and just sit in my AFK spot with it. Tasteful smugness ofc.

Grove Warden. Brother used his mythic cred to get me into a heroic and I didn’t even know the mount was a thing until I got the item for the quest.

Violet Spellwing. Antorus AOTC.

Definitely one my favorite mounts as it often goes with my red themed transmog

I just don’t really care for the first person eye globes

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

Not that I have an amazing collection of mounts, but I find I am usually using my bear as a ground mount. I think it may be a pvp mount? I really have no idea where I got it. That was like 3, maybe 4, presidents ago.

for Dragon flight, I find that I use a different mount for each toon. I have this “feel” I get off my toons and I decorate them to represent that “feel”

I did recently earn my Rat, which I think will be perfect for my goblin. (so would the seagull from BfA.)

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