What is Era end game like these days?

Recently started up a toon on whitemane era server and I’m wondering what i can expect the game experience to be like at lvl 60?

Am i just going to get destroyed in PVP by all the people who’ve been playing for a long time and have the best gear? Is it even realistic to be able to catch up and be competitive?

What about raids? Someone in game mentioned that now days you don’t roll for gear in PVE when it drops, you instead have to buy the piece with gold?

I don’t want to spend the next month leveling to 60 if it’s not going to be fun when i get there. Any info from current Era players would be greatly appreciated!

As you seem to know, it’s really bad. Don’t bother.


Given how long these realms have been running it’s gonna be a bit of a pain. Inflation just grows as the server lives on more and more. It’s still possible to get caught up but you will want to rely on help from others to do so.

Era is very much a GDKP hotspot.
Items are bid on and highest bidder wins. Usually there is a pot split at the end so you walk away with at least some gold. What those pay out are currently varies. While the chance is reportedly low, I would only run with reputable GDKP groups to avoid the risk of being traded RMT based gold. Discord GDKP’s over trade chat ones is a good rule of thumb.

I’m not a gdkp fan but w/e.

Era is the journey and the friends you make along the way. Get to know your guild mates and make some server friends and you should be having a good time at 60.

Not at all. Many people in battlegrounds are fresh or nearly fresh 60s who are ranking and thus will have poor to mediocre gear. You’ll run into some BiS geared characters, sure but that’s not the majority.

This is my experience as of my current high warlord grind, which I’ll be done with in a few weeks. I will hit warlord (r13) on Tuesday.

Seeing as there’s an immoveable hard ceiling on gear, yes you can always catch up and you’ll never fall behind and there will be plenty of people at your level.

Yes, GDKPs are by far the most common especially for 20 mans. They’re the easiest loot system and attract both geared and undergeared players. You can also find other runs which utilize other loot systems. You’ll just have to look harder and may want to join a guild for those.

Honestly though you should give GDKP a try. You may find it preferable, at least for lower tier raids.


If you’re not a fan of monetized end-game and don’t mind a small PvE community, consider Grobbulus. You can see Jarl’s post here for details…

If this is appealing to you but you don’t lke solo leveling, you can level up on any of the main clusters and transfer over for a $35 USD fee.

Era is very much still relevant if you can find something that aligns with your values. I hope you can :slight_smile:

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Its almost like people think mankrik cluster doesn’t exist when it comes to playing ERA for the first time xD

If you dont want constant gdkps then play mankrik.

If you want to grind alchemy mats for weeks to raid play grobb.

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Depends lots on your time to play and what your expectations are.

If you expect to get into raids really fast and want gear really fast then you can also expect to do some GDKP’s because its the fastest way.

There are REAL “progression guilds” on WMC so keep that in mind if you want a semi authentic raiding experience for “Vanilla”

Additionally, there are SoftRes runs, but I really don’t recommend them because they’re often kinda bad.

The PVE is very simple, but it can be fun, so if you’re just looking to have a good time, and you’re not in a rush then its a EZ winner.

Yep. I’m very happy with my time on the Mankrik cluster.

Basically swipe p2w model.

Maybe HC mode will work for you

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Its terrible. I unsubbed. And I had a free name change just sitting around for months so I used it on this toon. I’d rather drink a gallon of rotten milk that a cow pee’d in then play current version of Classic era…the version that they LIED to us and said that no more changes were coming to…yea. Just over 800 people I have to play with now. Two guilds and their friends from other groups that all quit cuz of this.

Ask yourself…what changes are coming next? WoW tokens? Level 60 level boosts to full epic equipped toons? In store mounts? In game pet shop? I think so. Everything so far points to it.

Oh…and Blizzard…won’t allow me to unsub…lol. Cuz they know deep down that I have an addiction to this game so they are literally refusing to let me leave. I literally cannot unsub. Swear to god, I clicked to unsub and it shows I am still subbed and shows my next billing date. So I am literally being forced to play this game against my will.

Just on whitemane.

If you try to do this on era and bid 100k for rejuvenate gem or DFT just to lick it as yours you’ll just be kicked from the raid and reported by 39 people for gold buying.

Doesnt mean people dont try to do it. There are gdkps that explicitly ban gold farmers for this very reason. Everyone deserves a fair shot at loot and no one wants dirty gold.