What is Classic+

Everyone is so nervous about the current team touching Classic+. But I also blame the community for this because we can’t come to a consensus of what Classic+ should (or shouldn’t) have.

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“nochanges” has always been a strawman. nobody has ever actually been no changes. even in 2019 when that was in vogue, everyone was ok with various changes, like the network batching ones :expressionless:

the consensus is to keep everything the same but to add new content to azeroth :expressionless:
anyone talking about stupid stuff like bringing retail ideas to classic or overhauling everything just need to be ignored.


100% the communities fault we would be playing classic+ by now if we could just all band together and ask the right way, but instead streamers are pushing hardcore and the sheep are following. i think classic+ is horizontal content with new gear scaled to lvl 60 naxx with new leveling content too. with 2 big rules NO TRANSMOG ANDD NO FLYING MOUNTS.

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Indeed. Stuff I’d like to see is just zone progression. Maybe have a quest arc to restore Duskwood to Brightwood. Something along those lines. New quests, small arcs, nothing too crazy.

Yea I’d like to see some fun raids like a Defias/Bloodsail Bucc raid. Something that can be fleshed out more.


Though, it was originally coined (no, I’m not going to dig through thousands of posts, to find it) to mean original planned Vanilla content (like Kara and Hyjal) that was later scrapped.

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Flying mounts, cross-faction classes, same-faction battlegrounds, buyable boosts/mounts, ‘Hero’ Classes, eSports, and the WoW token are all not Classic

Classic+ is open-ended. There are infinite things that could be in it but there’s likely just as many things that can’t be in it. Dealing with just the finite, content that has been released in retail’s expansions are the only explicitly outlined things that must be excluded.

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  1. Perma-ban for bots, boosters, gdkp, and gold buyers
  2. All classes and specs made raid viable
  3. Dot limit removed entirely
  4. Dungeon NPC hp adjusted accordingly and SOM difficulty added
  5. New 20 man pre-Naxx dungeon
  6. 40 man and 20 man post Naxx Dungeons (Scarlett Crusade Raids)
  7. The new honor system blizzard is implementing will carry over nicely to Classic+
  8. Increase honor gains from both WSG and AB
  9. Remove exploits from WSG
  10. PVP gear adjusts by phase including improvements to bring the equipment on par with Naxx and post Naxx equipment.
  11. Only one PVE cluster, one PVP Cluster, one HC Cluster. RP can exist within any of these clusters.
  12. Difficulty settings for 5 man dungeons and appropriate rewards for the higher difficulty.
  13. Completely remove world buffs from Raiding
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Well so far we few agree that Classic+ is just Classic Era with more end game content and new quests. Same structure, just more content.


I vote four servers:


Layering solves overpopulation…sometimes.

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The content doesnt have to be for just max level toons. A recently awakened, minor Earth elemental lord could be ticked at what’s going on in BRM and sparks a civil war within the dark iron dwarves.


yes, and I would argue that it mostly shouldn’t be for max lvl :expressionless:
there’s so much to do for levels 1-59, particularly 30-59.


I can get on board with 4 clusters. I’m not difficult to bargain with.

Nope not true. I am #NoChanges like: DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING!!!

This is a discussion about what Classic+ would be. Classic Era can continue to exist until the player base is that eroded that blizzard pulls the plug on it. That is going to happen eventually anyway.

NoChanges can remain in Classic Era. That’s fine. (although there has been some changes) But Classic+ will have some minor changes. Maybe nothing totally like Div posted there, but stuff like the PvP ranking change seems acceptable.

ok i guess we should revert the network batching changes then huh
and of course the chronoboon. can’t have that :expressionless:

Blizzard couldn’t even make a low poly model in the old school aesthetic for the incubus. they just slapped that ugly deviantart OC modern model in classic. I don’t trust them.

I know. But sweeping statements like:

can be falsified by just one saying “I am like that” and that’s what I did.
I’d actually LOVE a Classic + Especially if this meant that all changes to Era could be rolled back.

Yes. I’d like them to be removed or rolled back as just said :wink:
I’m fine with a Classic+ parallel to the Era servers, and might even try it if it ever arrives.

Yes those too

Blizzards original plan was to have mainly only World of Warcraft and not add hardly any expansions so they did inted on adding zones such as Naxx, Icecrown, then TBC and the demon fights were going to come later. Pretty sure the original dev team did not think WoW was going to grow to be this big and end up lasting this long. There was almost quadruple the content planned for original WoW and it was simply going to stay that way.