What is Classic+

Is it like vanilla with a new raid after naxx?


Classic+ is basically Classic with all new content, from leveling, end game, pvp, class reworks, items, dungeons, and just about everything that Classic players will despise the minute it gets added.


What is Classic+ ?
A pipe dream.


In a vacuum, none of those sound inherently bad. The base game is rife with questlines/zones that never got fully fleshed out. Classic Era Phase 7 pls!


Classic+ is a funny idea that new players think is right around the corner because they haven’t watched Blizzard be Blizzard for 15 yrs lol


vanilla with new horizontal content


Linking a related CC thread for visibility in this discussion as well. I’m of the opinion that Classic+ should begin in Classic Era’s Phase 7 and center around the content that never made it into the base game’s launch.


Old School RuneScape is an example of what Classic Plus should/could be.

New content but keeping with the original feel.


There is no consensus. It can be whatever you want it to be since it’s

But here is a more accurate and positive take

My personal view pretty much aligns with this

No cannibalized released content from expansions.


Classic + is the idea of finishing all the unfinished content of classic and all the leaked content that they once said would happen. Balancing things a little more, making weak specs a little more viable, and adding new raids/dungeons/recipies and such… all with the standard classic 60 cap


It’s a perfect expansion extension to Vanilla WoW that brings changes differences that everyone loves and agrees on.


If only. We can dream

My hope for Classic+ is in the Era game style with very tactical class balance changes made promote diversity in group comps, and then just new content. New leveling dungeons or pre-raid dungeons, as well as new raids all in the style of Classic.

New raids should be horizontal progression though, stuff that’s accessible to pre-raid or MC/BWL gear levels and has self contained power gains. So like, imagine a raid where the first 4 bosses are beatable in pre-raid BiS, but then drops gear that makes you immune to some debuff that the later raid bosses apply. Your gear doesn’t make you any more powerful in general than AQ40 or Naxx gear would, but it’s a progression path and new content to tackle.

The expectation wouldn’t be that you clear all raids every week, you just pick some content to tackle and work on that for a while until you’re happy, then go do something else.


playable horde ogres and alliance high elves
player and guild housing
new specs, like necro, bard, spellbreaker, faery magic
karazhan crypts, emerald dream
cheaper mounts
instant mail on account


A fever dream and an idea that classic+ would be an expansion on the potential content that was planned or scrapped from Vanilla WoW. Youtube secrets of WoW vanilla or classic or whatever and all the easter eggs you’ll find some of them are relation to dungeons that were never released or at least concepts of them.

Pretty sure the Ogre character was an April fools joke.

Having paly on horde side and shaman on alliance side could be an option?

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Should be just addition to the game after AQ 40. 25 man and 10 man raids/ Paladin shaman both sides/ Player voted content/ Spec overhauls (Ret/boomkin for example) make classes not 1 button rotations. Keep the classic style of things , just add some nice content.

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It would be really nice if the newer raids and dungeons included gear that wasnt technically ‘stronger’ than Naxx 40 gear but that offered more flexibility in gearing. Perhaps more librams/idols and the like that give hybrid classes the ability to specialize a bit more in other things… new trinkets and rings, cloaks and the like.

A couple of raids added that reward gear with t1, t2 and t2.5 strength… new tier sets that are specifically designed to make weak specs viable. Such as a sturdy tanking set with bonuses specific to enhance shamans, a shadowy dark set for priests, with bonuses meant to enhance shadow priests and their mana problems, maybe a better pally set to allow ret paladins to shine where they previously were lackluster…

Maybe add the glyph system for further class enhancements… enchanting velliums for AH trading on enchants, new item and weapon patterns that would pair well with weak specs in classic.

Heck some talent overhauls or buffs for crappy specs on all classes would be fantastic… while leaving the proven strongest classes alone for the most part. Warriors and mages dont really need much help in the pve side of things, rogues are pretty solid all round… but it would be great to see more classes in raids than just the standard heavy hitters.


Apologies for my scuffed writing, this is how i imagined Classic+ in 2O23.

imagine taking the ‘fresh vanilla servers’ exactly how they are now and duplicate them… “Classic+”
~xp rates are the same.
~the grind is slow and the core elements of the game don’t change.
what i would’ve liked to see is, the unfinished content that is/was already pre-existing and or was a scraped idea in the first place such as the dungeons, raids, bgs etc listed below.
There is tons of unreleased content & zones that never got fully implemented into classic wow.
i would love to see them get filled in those empty areas around the world where they should’ve been.
blizz initially had much higher ambitions for what they wanted to release in classic, planning way too much stuff that could never be developed on time and ultimately got scraped before TBC.
a lot of the content they were working on to be released in vanilla actually got converted into TBC.

this place had loads of potential for more quests, a dungeon and let’s not forget about azshara crater BG.
in classic this place feels a bit lifeless and nearly empty. there isn’t much to get done there sadly and it’s quite disappointing for myself considering i think this is one of the nicer looking zones.

in tanaris, oldham gates were seen in classic.
by the looks of the layout you could easily tell bliz had a much different idea of what this place could’ve actually been.
the gates of oldham are surrounded by what appears to be some giant elite rock boys which has me thinking this could’ve been like an earth elemental themed raid similar to MC but instead of fire it’s earth.
typically dungeons or raids have elites sitting outside of the location so i presume it was suppose to be a new dungeon or a raid.
i saw that in cata it was turned into an egypt zone but i still think they had other plans originally.

this one is pretty self explaintory. the instance is clearly in classic but locked.
i didn’t try it in TBC so idk how it is, but if most ppl don’t like it they could change the loot tables and or the mobs.
either way it was meant to be in classic.

Dragon Isles:
this zone is actually in the classic wow game files still and seemed to be completely abandon and unfinished with wonky textures.
a few people have told me back in the day this was suppose to be some naga themed temple built on a giant shell and bliz originally had the idea of releasing the naga race. so maybe this was the home of the playable race? or maybe it was a separate instance/raid to fight some naga bosses or something. who knows.
i think this place looks very cool and mysterious and it’s a shame they completely scraped it, regardless of their intentions.

The Isolated Elwynn Forest:
seen when flying to SW coming from BRD fp directon.
maybe add some quests there and a fp?
the layout in that area is perfectly in tact but there’s no legit way to get up there that im aware of.

Class changes;
I’d say majority of classes are damn near perfect and only a few need a little bit of tweaking.
obviously keep the talent trees but maybe slightly alter some stuff within some classes that aren’t needed or are under-buffed?
ret desperately needs a buff and end game gear.
druids are a bit too mana heavy and have no good end game gear as well.
these are just a couple of examples.

other stuff;
~add a few more flight paths in the most obvious areas.
the top of stranglethorn for example, alliance need a Fp there.
i wouldn’t like to see too many flightpaths like retail but some def need to be added.

~fix the mobs bugging out, i can specifically name a ghoul in darkshire at ravenhill that when you attack him he noclips underground and pulls some of those other ghouls below in that cave.

this is just a rough draft of things i was hoping to see in Classic+ this year and i know i’m not the only one. i bet if you asked some HC players on classic era if they’d like this version of classic+ they would agree.
vanilla has way more potential than just some HC servers or xp rates upped and a few mechanics changed in some raids [som].

feel free to respond your thoughts and let me know if you were looking for something like this in classic era.
