What is Classic+

Everybody has their own idea about what classic+ should be, should have, and shouldn’t have. If Blizzard decides to do this, a lot of people are going to be disappointed to find that what they get isn’t what they thought it was going to be.


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I nearly spit my coffee. :+1:t4:


The only Classic+ I would be interested in would be one where paladins and shaman weren’t faction-specific. Dwarf shaman and tauren paladins in Classic would be fun. There’d be much less wasted gear in raids.

Take inspiration from TBC making hybrid dps specs viable without doing a literal copy paste; add some key abilities and spells from TBC but revamp talents in a way that are unique to vanilla+ and change up classes over the course of patches instead of a forever static final patch state. Make more abilities in classes’ in classes useful in raiding (no 1 button specs).

Add unfinished vanilla content: Scarlet crusade raid, karazhan crypts, azshara battleground.

Add more world pvp objectives like silithus and EPL towers, and give them useful rewards that update with patches.

Scrap the garbage vanilla honor system and put in arenas or rated battlegrounds.

Make vanilla raids more challenging. A similar difficulty curve to TBC prenerf raids would be appropriate. They don’t need to be insane, just require group coordination and effort, paying attention to mechanics, experimenting with different Strats, etc. to clear content.

Add more quests 1-60, fill up empty old zones and maybe add some new ones. Make elite quests and low level dungeons more challenging but have better rewards for the effort.

Improve the rewards for those quests that take you long distances across continents and faraway zones. Even consmetic things like the noggenfogger quest chain.

The possibilities are endless really. Vanilla but more, as long as it conforms to the general design philosophy of original vanilla.


Paladin gear on horde and shaman gear on alliance did not drop until TBC prepatch, this was a completely nonexistent issue.

I’d rather they keep these classes faction specific, it’s one of the unique things about vanilla that gave factions a lot of flavor. But if they did break with this, I’d much rather have blood elves and Draenei in than have Tauren paladin abominations.

It’s like if TurtleWoW got official servers.

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Ah but this is Classic+!
We won’t have to go the route of TBC.
Blizzard can give us …


Forsaken paladins!
Surely Sir Zeliek isn’t the only one that was so strong in faith, that even in undeath the power of the Light would still heed their call.
Shhh don’t tell the retail folk. Some of them have been asking for this for years.
This can be our secret.

not space goats and horde elfs. Eww.

Some of the things I’d like in classic plus

  1. Add Karazan as a 40 man level 60 raid

  2. enable cross faction chat if you check a box

  3. have a 4 hour Purge on Sundays where you can team kill anywhere

  4. Balance out the abilities so Boomkins and Ret Pallys can raid

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It doesn’t require a new raid, but that is a commonly shared trope among the many ideas for Classic+. Effectively, Classic+ is the continuation of Classic Azeroth without any of retail’s expansions involved, an alternate timeline perhaps. Instead of charging through that Dark Portal into Outland, something else happens.

“Classic+” is supposed to mean original planned Vanilla content that was scrapped before being released.

Places like Kara and Hyjal were obviously meant to be in Vanilla. Instead of Kara to BC and Hyjal to Cata.

The places are there, just sitting there, not being used and just wasting away…

It was never about being “pro” (or even “some”) changes. Tired of these two groups trying to be the same thing, when they aren’t.

You’re completely wrong on this. Completing those areas in the level 60 setting of Classic is a change. Classic+ necessitates changes to the original game. If no changes are made, it is simply the original game.

#NoChanges & Classic+ are mutually exclusive.

it’s like vanilla with a new raid BEFORE naxx :expressionless:

I’m going to add that “Classic+” can still fit in the “#NoChanges” camp, as its about what was initially planned for Vanilla’s release and not about trying to make the game “better”.

As that’s where the “#NoChanges” and “Pro/Some Changes” comes into play. “#NoChanges” doesn’t want to “make the game better” whereas “Pro/Some Changes” goals ARE.

“Classic+” isn’t about “making the game better” nor “worse”. Whatever the original planned version of the game was is “TBD” on whether or not it’s “for better” or “for worse”.

It’s not like me asking for Guild Banks is a “Classic+” thing. It’s a “me trying to make the game ‘better’” thing.

'Cause I don’t even know if “Guild Banks” were “originally planned” or not.

I was going to say “a fantasy” or perhaps “a delusion” but I think your answer fits best.

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Completely wrong. The two camps are mutually exclusive. Additional/Completion of content = a change.

Look at what happened to Wrath.

No RDF. And, I can’t imagine “Pro/Some Changers” even advocating for this, but you never know.

IK the “No Changers” most definitely did NOT want RDF’s removal, as Wrath is known to introduce RDF, and folks would like to experience what Wrath was like then, and RDF IS a Wrath experience.

As another poster said it is a pipe dream and as far as I am aware has no interest from Blizzard

The main issue with Classic+ if it were real is that the devs who made Classic so good are no longer at the company. I think there are a few on the team that get it, but it would be a gamble in any case.

There are some things that would be fun. If we are just talking wish list I think dual spec and possibly a 20 man raid like Scarlet Crusade or something could be added that comes somewhere past AQ20 in terms of difficulty and iLevel

That said I’m skeptical that such a game or patches would be as good as the original game. Too much can go wrong with just layering on things from later expansions that people thought were cool


The best definition so far. Only I dare not put the development of said contents in the hands of ActiBlizz soon to be MS – Do you trust them?

if its horizontal content thats not mandatory i dont see how it could be bad dont change anything anout the exsisting game just add new raids with new tier sets for meme spec ez. so i actually do trust them to do that, raids in retail are really good so ive heard

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