Classic Plus / Classic+ - The Best Risk Blizzard Could Ever Take

Classic Plus / Classic+ - The Best Risk Blizzard Could Ever Take

Let me open by saying I know there are lots of people who have asked for Classic Plus and there are many variations of what people are hoping for. There will never be a one-size-fits-all solution to this, but I wanted to post my thoughts and see how others felt about my stance. I should also preface this by saying there are a lot of references to OSRS (Old School RuneScape) in here, but I have never actually played OSRS myself. I have a few friends that love it and I have done a decent amount of research into why it works, though.

What is Classic Plus?

At the core, it is a popular request for a standalone version of WoW that runs parallel to the Retail and Classic versions, very similar to how OSRS is a standalone version of their original game, while a newer RuneScape 3 exists. The general idea is that you take the original game, in this case WoW Classic, and expand upon that game on essentially another timeline (looking at you, Chromie!). OSRS has gone through engine and quality of life improvements, as well as continually adding new content, not necessarily in line with RuneScape 3. Nearly all of this content is decided by in-game polls, which gives the community a lot more influence on what kind of game they want. RuneScape 3 is generally received as a more casual-friendly game, as far as the leveling is concerned, along with a cash shop and many QoL changes, whereas OSRS has more challenging content throughout the entirety of the journey. As a player that enjoys challenging content, this is an important factor for me and something I would like to see in Classic Plus.

What Can We Learn from OSRS?

  • After 10 years of changes, the game is still growing and the community supports their devs and the game. In fact, OSRS actually has 3x the active playerbase as RS3. This shows the “Classic Plus” model CAN work. “Proof of Concept” if you will.
  • “Integrity Changes” such as bug fixes don’t require polling.
  • All other changes get polled, but require a 75% supermajority to pass. This would allow the community to have a much bigger impact on changes that WE want, but still emphasizes that fewer changes are usually better than too many. Once the cat is out of the bag, so to speak, it’s very difficult to put it back in.
  • A special process was put in place to make a more substantial change that I would say is about the equivalent of adding a new class in WoW. They handled this in stages: First, they would poll to see if players wanted a new skill; Second, they would have the community pitch ideas to the devs; Third, they would pitch the final 3 concepts to the players; Fourth, they would refine the skill in theory and eventually post a design blog about it; Fifth, they would lock in the refined skill and see if the community will approve the design before testing; Sixth, they would finally beta test the skill and tinker with it based on feedback before officially releasing it.

What Does it Mean to be “Classic”?

  • Maintaining the spirit of early MMO design where discovery, the journey and community were driving forces
  • As far as lore is concerned, threats to Azeroth or localized threats, such as Blackrock Mountain, Onyxia, the Scourge invasion, instead of intergalactic threats the likes of Sargeras (anybody see that sword in Silithus?) or the Jailer.
  • Classic graphics that match what we’re used to
  • Simple mechanics where the challenge of the game is more in preparation, farming, forming teams/guilds, and the RPG aspects surrounding the dungeons and raids
  • Not losing the RPG in MMORPG. Focus on the journey and not the destination. Catch up mechanics are not necessary.
  • Long-term progression. Old gear is not useless every patch. Previous raid tiers and dungeons still provide meaningful gear to farm for the next raid and old content doesn’t become obsolete. Work your way through the tiers as progression, instead of the last patch cycle becoming completely obsolete. Reputations aren’t handed to you and PvP is grindy. That’s ok. Classic is grindy.
  • Convenience and quality of life changes aren’t always a good thing. Cross-realm and portals across the globe aren’t necessarily needed and arguably erode the community feel of Classic.

What Could Classic Plus Look Like?

I am intentionally going to be vague here, because specifics can be nitpicked extraordinarily and I’d like to emphasize the over-arching themes. All of which should be guided by the community to not break the “classic spirit”.

  • New Dungeons
  • New Raids
  • Minor Balancing
  • New Zones
  • New Quests
  • New Battlegrounds

Some Specific Ideas

  • The unfinished Emerald Dream. The zone is categorized in the game files as a 40-player instance. Possible raid?
  • Some unfinished Battlegrounds including one themed like a MOBA and the large 40-player Azshara BG.
  • The islands off the coast of Stranglethorn that were scrapped.
  • What was ever behind the Gates of Uldum in Tanaris?
  • Some type of Brawlers’ Guild or Unranked Arena.
  • Ironman/Hardcore modes similar to OSRS. There is already a popular Hardcore scene on Classic and this could definitely be expanded in an official capacity.

All in all, I think Classic WoW holds such a dear place in my heart that I’d like to see it’s continued success. While going the whole nine yards with the OSRS approach to include a polling system may be way outside of how Blizzard operates or even foregoing the polling, simply committing resources may be a huge risk for them. We can’t ignore that we have a real example with 10 years of history to learn from that has been extremely successful. It was a huge risk back then as well, but I think this is one that could really pay off for Blizzard and for the community. I’m not naïve enough to think this is an easy task for Blizzard or that it wouldn’t take quite a bit of resources, but I’d love to see it discussed. Let me know your thoughts, as well!


I like everything in Classic - the quests are better, the gear progression exists, the lack of scaling, leveling is still relevant. I really want to see new developments to keep it alive.
But let’s clarify one thing - you suggest Classic Plus running parallel to the other versions of Classic. So we will have:

  • Classic Era
  • Classic Progressive realms
  • Possible Wrath Era
  • Retail
  • Classic Plus

This will split the community even more. At least 1 or 2 of the above will suffer from dead realms.
I don’t know whether the Classic Progressive realms will progress all the way to the most recent expansions. I don’t know whether there will be Wrath Era realms. Classic Plus replacing Era is probably not an option because majority of Era players want #nochanges.


I think the key here is that there are 2 potential paths for “Classic Progressive” realms. Either they’re going to keep making them forever juxtaposed 15 years from Retail or they’re simply going to stop at some point. I haven’t heard a lot of clamoring for Classic WoD or Classic BfA or Classic Shadowlands, so I think there’s probably a pretty natural stopping point no later than MoP.

As far as another version of the game splitting the community, if there are dead realms on other versions, then they merge realms like they’ve always done. People enjoy different versions of the game and many people enjoy multiple versions, so I would think access to a version that was pitched as an evolving title should be a great addition. Classic Era has Seasons of Mastery to keep it interesting in that space, but it has limitations on growth simply due to not having anything new to progress towards. Classic Plus is basically another Seasons of Mastery but long term and with community-polled changes and some new content. Some people may not want to progress into new territory and that’s fine, which is why Classic Era exists. I was honestly shocked to see some 1.9 MILLION Warrior DPS parses in Naxx on Classic Era over the last 2 weeks. Glad to see Classic is thriving on all fronts.


Just wanted to say this whole multiverse of madness coming in 10.1.5 would be a pretty great lore option for Classic Plus to arrive :eyes:


If Blizz can’t even dev features for each facet of the modern game what makes you think they are going to dedicate resources to iterating on Classic and Modern WoW at the same time?

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Let us not do Classic+, we’re already watering out the playerbase.

Progression servers.
Wrath ‘Classic’
WoW ‘Classic’

and soon Hardcore as well.

If iterating on Classic and Modern WoW at the same time is profitable, I don’t see why they wouldn’t.


Wrath Classic and WoW Classic require much less resources to maintain, since there are not significant patch updates. Classic Plus would essentially be a replacement for Season of Mastery, which they’re already doing. If it replaced Season of Mastery, it would affect a similar playerbase, I’d think. Not sure how having multiple options to enjoy the game that millions of players play would “water out the playerbase”.


Just revisited this thread after enjoying a week of Classic Hardcore. It seems like those servers are doing well and even the regular Classic Era servers are seeing a boom! Love to see how much continued success Classic has :slight_smile:

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I’ve thought about it and it seems like a neat idea though it is hard to say if it will happen. I definitely think in terms of ideas it would be easy to come up with ideas for content to make. Even after the Cata world revamp there were some areas in the story that have not been visisted in the retail version of the game that could be some cool instances.

Barrow Deeps: The caves underneath Hyjal from the Warcraft 3 mission. They contain the area where the Druids of the Claw slept and more importantly the original location of the Warden’s base operations that the location of Illidan’s prison was located in. Since the Wardens captured all sorts of creatures over thousands of years there could be a wide variety of bosses to encounter. Could also have an area where the Dark Trolls live that could be a friendly faction.

Bael Modan: A titan facility that is mentioned more in-depth in the now non-canon RPG books. The Dwarves have been digging there as it is an area related to the Titans but we never get to see what was underneath. It could be a Titan-themed raid similar to Uldaman with protective stewards of the titans. With the relations to titans this could also serve as a place to add in arcane resistance gear.

Hyjal-Winterspring Entrance: The south of Winterspring always had that demonic presence that implied there were more Legion remnant from the Third War. Classic also always lacked a propr end game dungeon or raid for demons. There could be a dungeon dealing with cleaning up some Legion remnants and a leftover commander that served Archimonde.

Stonetalon Peak Caverns: A big location again from a Warcraft 3 mission. I found it memorable since it felt like a dungeon back during the RTS game. There were all sorts of things like undead, harpies, beasts to fight.