Is it something to do with shadowlands?
Been reading reddit posts for an hour and everyone talks as if its obvious. But whooosh right over my head.
Is it something to do with shadowlands?
Been reading reddit posts for an hour and everyone talks as if its obvious. But whooosh right over my head.
It’s abilities you don’t get simply by leveling. So it’s not power inherent to your character. It’s external power you’re “borrowing.”
Talking about power gained from things like azerite powers or corruption and in legion it was weapons and legendaries
A miserable little pile of secrets. But enough talk…Have at you!
Abilities that go away every xpac. Started with Legion and we saw what happened once you lost them…class design takes a serious hit(for most classes).
So far it has always had negative effects and, somewhat, gets tolerable near the end of the xpac.
So you know how in BFA we have azerite traits, essences, and corruption effects. How its only a BFA thing and how we will lose all this “power” in shadowlands? Or the legion artifact system with all the talents and abilities tied to the artifacts and legendary gear pieces? Or raid tier sets giving bonuses that only work for that expansion? Thats all “borrowed power” as in its a power we the hero have only for that content and as soon as we move on to the next expansion we all lose that power like it never existed. The whole blow up that you see on youtube, reddit, and the forums is that Blizzard tends to balance classes and specs based on a temporary power and not the core baseline of the class itself.
I don’t think there is any effort to balance the game right now
Its more like blizzard touches the hot oven and gets burned, then realizing it sucks… does it again. Its pretty much the outcry that blizzard fixes balance by making a problem which bites them in the butt in the next expansion, and the covenant abilities just goes to show they keep touching the hot oven knowing its hot.
True, maybe they are trying their hardest to fix it, but that just means they can’t. There is no defense Blizz can make besides apathy or incompetence when people can walk in and solo bosses in Ny’Lotha.
It’s powers you get on an expansion that make you op then you lose after the expansion ends and you’re significantly weaker even though you’re higher level on the next expansion.
Like artifacts, legion legendaries, azerite powers and essences, it’s not something you always have like your regular spells and talents, but you still get really dependent on and then lose only to have to get a new one that’s basically the same stuff with a new name.
“Borrowed power” refers to expansion-specific powers like Artifact weapons, HoA Essences, etc.
Some people blame borrowed power for all of WoW’s ills, while failing to realize that every single ability on their hotbar is “borrowed.”
You can solo bosses in Ny’Alotha?
This is why it gets me so mad, this borrowed powers just left me in such a draught state that it really feels classes are out of blizz’s interests,
Bringing old abilities for classes just isn’t enough
It is power that one borrows.
Thank you Calgon, now my problems have gone away!
I just want the classes to be fun and pvp not to be a joke looks at demon hunters and greater pyro mages I like fast paced combo set ups like demonology where cast enough shadow bolts you get instant dreadstalkers stuff where if you keep doing this and that then you get big boom and that cool feeling. Instead of the normal boring rotation that never has any spark.
right now we’re under such a mess I cannot be bothered with it at times,
I do random bgs every now and then, only to feel cringed at our current pvp system,
Yeah on normal, and im not sure what their gear was like, but they were using parry haste by pulling the entire wing of trash into the boss room. Im only 430ilvl and I can solo reg dungeons all day
Yes but the person doing it is first of all fully Mythic geared with a very high level Heart of Azeroth (to scale the versatility from some essences), using some very specific items/talents (Like the Mechagon punchcard that gives extra dodge), and for many of the bosses dragging in adds from outside the boss arena. All this to kill Normal mode Nyalotha bosses… sometimes (because it’s NOT EASY). It’s not something that everyone can do, and anyone that can probably has plenty of Mythic kills under their belt, so it not like it’s all that rewarding either.