"Upgrading" Loot murders this game

I didn’t. That’s been the communities definition of borrowed power since it came to be lol.

I can find several sources, can you even find one to back up your claim?

"Basically expansion-specific items or powers that get removed once the expansion is over.

“Legion artifacts, corruptions, and essences and traits are the best examples”

“Power that your character borrows for some reason and after some time it goes away. Corruption is borrowed power, for example. 99% of azerite power, covenant abilities(i doubt they’ll stay after SL).”

That’s literally just more avenues to gear lol.
Nothing more.

You don’t have some magical sword that you power up throughout the xpac and it goes away.
That’s literally borrowed power.
It’s called “BORROWED” for a reason.

Gear is replaced quite quickly. You don’t BORROW them for the xpac.

I mean you still can. It’s players who decide to do all those things.

How is your time being wasted by having more options?

Seems like your time is being respected since you can do whatever you want to get more or less the same gear.