What is borrowed power?

So you’d need like 5 people who have dabbled in M+ to clear normal Ny’Lotha? What about BoD? That was what, 6 months ago? Now its not even relevant to fresh 120s, since you can out gear it in a few WQs.

Doubt it… his setup required ALL the adds on him (and in multiple cases to BRING outside mobs nearby into the fight) to have the survivability (barely) needed. Others could go in, but the enrage would kill them off for sure unless they were all using the same setup and had the same number of adds on them… Good luck with that. Oh, and they’d get stopped right at the door since Wrathion is a big boy boss that needs no adds before him (and so their survivability is right out the window).

Things added to the game that do nothing to advance the progress of your character

Just like the legion artifacts are now PERMANENT bank clutter that were only put into the game because blizz is too afraid to meaningfully change the classes.

The other part of it is how we are now eternally grinding AP to keep our borrowed power during current content:

Artifact Power = AP
Azerite Power = AP
Anima Power = AP


Oh, me too, barring ones with un-soloable mechanics. I didn’t know raids were doable. I didn’t actually try.

Simple really - If you get given any power or ability through an outside source then it is a borrowed power.

Legion artifact weapons.
Heart of Azeroth necklace.
Azerite gear.

Those are all examples of borrowed power. None of them are powers or abilities that come from the strength of our characters or their classes. I personally hate it because it makes our characters look weak and that we can’t do anything on our own without what I perceive to be a crutch.


And set bonuses and trinkets. And all gear in general. All buffs that belong to other classes/ specs.

Borrowed power is the new scapegoat for players to complain about when they fail content.

You know those Legion legendaries and artifacts? Or the Heart of Azeroth and everything tied to them? Or Covenants?

That’s “Borrowed Power.” It’s stuff that we basically just keep for one expansion so Blizzard doesn’t have to make classes feel playable as a baseline.

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“Borrowed Power” also applies to trinkets and tier sets.

Short description. Its abilities that won’t follow us into the expansion post Shadowlands.

Abilities given to you only for a single expansion:

WOD: Ring
Legion: Legendaries and artifact weapon
BFA: Azerite armor, essences, corruption.
Shadowlands: Covenant abilities.

They make you see how bad your class is after expansion ends and you don’t have them anymore…your character just falls flat on their faces.

Borrowed Power is power that you have for a while, then it’s taken away. A good example was the Artifact Weapon in Legion. Had it for a while and it felt fantastic, but when it was taken away that loss did not feel good and soured class play for much of BfA.

I think most people (except, seemingly, Blizzard) tend to agree that the whole concept of Borrowed Power is terrible, and that Blizzard need to stop doing it.

Interesting. I just return to WoW however I was not aware for some reason until I read the comments how this “Borrowed Power” have become a core part of every expansion… but it makes sense now.
However the fact that it hits classes so hard, by how it (the “Borrowed Power”) get Nullify by next expansion discouraging (IMO) and its hard to get use to.

I often though that maybe its a limitation of the mmo? After all even though we had a few face-lift to graphics on the new areas, abilities and races WoW is really old.

It’s a way for Blizzard to provide us something different and entertaining rather than just the same old stuff. Can you imagine how bored you’d be if your abilities were still the same as they were in Vanilla?

But lately, “borrowed power” has been a buzzword for people that are terrified of change or trying something different.

It’s a buzzword for people who didn’t like having massive sections of their toolkit reaped at the end of Legion. Ask shadow priests how that worked for them. Or shamans.

It’s a cheap trick that Blizzard has been trying to use to present the illusion of progression without any lasting implications. Nevermind that they need to essentially redesign every spec whenever they remove these rental powers. It’s almost a blessing that azerite traits were such a bland nonentity, we won’t be losing anything we’ll miss.


Its more like blizzard touches the hot oven and gets burned, then realizing it sucks… does it again. For 15 years repeatedly.

Fixed it for yah :wink:

Yes…yes, actually, I can and I suspect anyone with the brainpower exceeding a turnip can, as well.

We wouldn’t be bored if the gameplay was kept updated to the standard of the times no matter the age of our abilities.

But lately, “borrowed power” has been a buzzword for people that are terrified of change or trying something different.

Interesting take because the borrowed power has been essentially identical in each iteration since WoD, an expansion that released in what, 2014?

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That is your opinion. Mine is different. See how that works?

It is no different then coming out of TBC into Wrath in full raid tier, only to get killed by pigs at lvl 72. Then you reach max level, work on your gear and before you know it, you’re a boss again. Happens EVERY expansion.

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It is no different then coming out of TBC into Wrath in full raid tier, only to get killed by pigs at lvl 72. Then you reach max level, work on your gear and before you know it, you’re a boss again. Happens EVERY expansion.

TBC raid gear actually scaled beautifully so much so that Naxx was cleared by some people still rocking their set bonuses from Sunwell Plateau. Which checked out given the levels of content (Sunwell being the pinnacle of raiding at the time and Naxx being an introduction raid to raiding).

Of course, this was back in the days of the dev team being competent.

The modern equivalent then would be: Raiders lose Sunwell powers only to get it back at 80.

So while yes that is Elanthos’ opinion, you’re not right in this instance given how the game has played out this expansion.


You don’t remember those abilities you had in Legion that were taken away? My paladin remembers greater judgement 1 shotting groups of enemies.

It started with WOD not Legion, forgot about the ring? It made or broke a lot of classes.

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