What is Blizzard doing

A little context here, I run a community Called Bad Pugs which helps in-experience and under-geared players by teaching them raids and M+ content this may include raid/ dungeon mechanics, tips, and tricks on how to down bosses and helping people learn their classes. I do not accept any type of payment whatsoever. It is 100% free and completely toxicity free.

We do not 'Boost" people we help new players learn.

I started this community because most of the player base refuses to help new players and they are left stranded and frustrated with the game. I’ve been playing since wraith but I got into high-end M+ and raiding content during BFA, I noticed that there are very little few people that are willing to take in-experience or under-geared players. And holy heck the player base is toxic. Over the years I have not seen one Raid or community dedicated to helping new players until I created BP. The reason why I’m posting this is to shine a light on this stupidity, why are Big guilds/individuals allowed to sell carries for gold but I am not allowed to help/ teach the people in need.

  • I would like to note I do care about is that Blizzard is restricting my ability to help people.

6/6/2022 (9:15pm) holy smokes this is blowing up! Thankyou all for your kind words and for helping!
6/7/2022 Ladies and gentlemen i am glad to say we are able to start up BP again! Thankyou all for your help and kind words


(Post got moved from elsewhere so I’ll just move my reply here as well)

As someone who has been helped by this generous group of people, it’s ridiculous that they are punished for TEACHING new or returning players how to play their classes or understand raid mechanics. I’m so grateful I found this community, and it’s a shame that they are unable to continue helping more people due to what I believe to be a bad call on Blizzard’s part.

IMPORTANT EDIT FOR CONTEXT: Hey y’all, due to forum restrictions some details can’t be specified by OP. Check out their post on r/wow (it has the same name, and as of this edit it’s just a few scrolls from the top), it seems to be mentioned in some of the replies.


Well, I feel what is missing is what you believe Blizzard is doing to restrict your ability to help people.

I ran a training guild. Blizzard does not invest in guilds. I would like Blizzard to return to doing so; but that is not the same as “restricting” me.


No, there was an actual punishment involved in this case, which is what they are referring to.

Edit: According to another forum-goer who kindly made it aware, it’s apparently not allowed to mention actions against one’s account which is why it was omitted from OPs post.

Focusing on the fact that helpful communities are being punished in a similar vein as “paid boost” communities is the topic, in my opinion.


Am I missing something? What are they doing to restrict you?


Well then, I would encourage them to stop as discussing punitive actions on the forums will garner an account action. :confused:

Sorry that happened, however.

Edited to add: Jinx. >.<

I’m guessing it was a multi-server organization. Which are banned now.

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I thought that was only in the case of boosting groups? Or was it more of a blanket rule.

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Nah, it was pretty universal.

Hold up… I’m missing some context here. Did something happen?

That’s a damn shame. Seems pretty ridiculous for such a wide ruling like that to exist.

Mentioned it in one of my replies.

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“As of today, we will now prohibit organizations who offer boosting, matchmaking, escrow, or other non-traditional services, including those offered for gold.”

“This policy update does not restrict individuals or guilds from using the provided in-game tools (“trade channel” chat) to buy or sell in-game items or activities for in-game currency. However, “boosting communities”, especially those who operate across multiple realms, are no longer permitted.”

Quoted relevant parts. They mostly aimed it at in-game currency and RMT groups, but it technically can hit multi-realm orgs that even operate for free.

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yea that sounds bad. should probably be specified communities for gold instead of communities that just help each other.


Same reason the fight telegraphs are only distributed to RWF guilds as WA packages. Every person you train is 20 less tokens sold per season :stuck_out_tongue:

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But that really doesn’t have anything to do with a community that teaches people stuff. Because it’s not boosting, matchmaking, escrow or “non-traditional.” It’s literally just teaching people how to play. So if Blizz used that as their excuse for whatever happened, I call some serious shenanigans there.


I mean, a boot camp to teach disparate people from multiple realms how to play the game would fall under my definition of a “non-traditional service”. :man_shrugging:

It sounds pretty traditional to me to help teach people. Maybe that’s what’s wrong with this entire damn game’s community. Something good that many used to do back in the day is now considered “non traditional” by Blizz.


Still seems a bit odd to punish a group whose purpose is to encourage and teach new and returning players. It’s like punishing someone for explaining a boss encounter to a LFR group.


Well, we don’t have the whole story and I couldn’t find this group with a few google searches, so we’re only operating off partial information.

If Blizzard actioned them, they must be organized enough, and large enough, to trip their flags.

So this shouldn’t be a case of a small group of mentors passing on wisdom, like in ye olden days of Vanilla.


Depends what you’d consider “big”. I count about 115 people in the Discord server, lots of who found the community just by requesting to join a run one night and decided to stick around.

Edit: As for active members? That’s a whole other figure entirely.