What is Blizzard doing

I’d consider 115 people “big” for the purpose of this discussion.

typical screw up blizz did which they are well known for. group probably wasn’t doing nothing wrong. i guess open raid should of been banned back in the day to eh blizz?


I’m curious why this community was advertised in-game. If it occurred entirely on Discord or off Blizzard’s radar, they wouldn’t even know it exists to even action it.

In the LFG i would put "Badpugs raid and explain what we do “Teach new players”


And did you link the Discord server or…?

IIRC the Discord server link was provided to people in the raid chat so that anyone who wished to hear callouts could join the voice channel. That’s how I got in, anyway.

All I can say, at this point, is take it up with customer service.

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Yeah, that’s what we’re all waiting on. Hope it comes out all good in the end.

Be careful of who is invited into your community. We recently got some guy in ours who advertised carry serviced on the calendar and mailed everyone in the community : /


Ah shoot, sorry to hear about that. It’s terrible when one person manages to ruin the fun for everyone involved :frowning:


Thanks for the warning!


Good luck with contacting someone who can help you, the CM’s seem to be very against being helpful to the playerbase these days. As to how it happened, with the new social contract people are report happy so it’s best to just keep your head down for awhile and let the overzealous reporters wind down.


Good god Blizzard is disgusting.

Blizzard: we want the community to be nicer!
Also Blizzard: bans a community that has been helping people


Yeah, seems rather counterproductive LOL

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What’s a multi-server organization? Ok, it must be some sort of organization that deals with multiple servers, but how does that work in WOW? Doesn’t Blizzard control all the servers?

How do you boost across realms? And why would you want to? Anyone can buy a boost token and turn a new character into a 50. I’m sure that will be 60 when the new release comes out.

Based on your name and appearance, I can only assume this is a bit.

Carry on.


It’s just a question and an observation.

It’s your just deserts for helping people. Take this as a sign and get out. It’s only going to get worse.

When they are referring to boosting it means someone pays another person to run them through keys, raid or pvp.