What is a Twink?

No, I pretty much chuckle any time someone talks about twinking. I know the gaming version and also am aware of what the other definition of the word means.

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Twinking is a type of behavior in (role-playing video games) which involves deceiving other players about one’s playing abilities or achievements in the game. A player who engages in such behavior is known as a twink . The precise definition of twinking varies depending on the variety of role-playing game:

  • In “pen and paper” role-playing games, a twink is often synonymous with a munchkin, i.e. a powergamer who seeks to acquire power and loot at the expense of their teammates.
  • In MUDs – Multi-User Dungeons or Domains –a twink is a player who is variously anything from a munchkin to a newbie (new player) to a griefer , or a bad faith player.
  • In Massively multiplayer online role-playing games, or MMORPGs, twinking refers to a character gaining equipment with the assistance of a higher level character, particularly by giving the low level character higher level equipment that is otherwise unattainable. It can also be used to describe the process of keeping a video game character at a low level while using in-game currency, earned by a high level character, to provide it with superior equipment.


so in general.

a pain in the gaming community?

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You’re going off on an even farther tangent that we don’t need to get into. From what I understand, me too is something we do not need to discuss here on these forums.

I would guess that the term is actually very much inspired by the definition you’re thinking of: Older, wealthier character gives lavish gifts to young character to help boost their performance.

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Sure, and I feel the same way about a book that writes a “love story” out of the same material. :slight_smile:

Attributing intent to the activity is not necessary, or even helpful. What’s the corollary? You’re not being honest unless you wear nothing but white items?

how is that

Read the whole article.

i mean. he kinda listed off good examples of what can be a pain in the posterior.

even mmorpg twinks can be a pain if you just pop in for a quick bg at a low lvl.

I wasn’t discussing the pros or cons of the books, merely pointing out that its popularity shows that the standards of what is taboo from even a decade ago have shifted vastly. Comparing it to what was originally discussed, the original discussion topic is very tame. That’s all. Don’t need to go farther down the rabbit hole.

and it’s different at level cap how

Why am I not surprised that when I flip to the talk page I see people discussing how ridiculous that line in the article is. Don’t take wikipedia as gospel.

I know what being a twink used to mean.

But the book isnt about what was taboo a decade ago. Its about committing a horrible crime (multiple times) and getting away with it because you are good looking/rich. And it strikes a personal nerve for me, i guess, hearing it given any positive praises.

Anyways. Yes. Rabbit hole.

Sorry to go down the rabbit hole but I agree with you, Akston.

I don’t, but that article give us better information about what is a Twink than what you could say. I f you read it you will see an historical development of this term, and how apply now to games like WoW. That information it’s better than what you said.
And don’t fall under the argument that Wikipedia it’s crap unless you know more than the person who wrote there.
Of course, Wikipedia it’s not at all the ultimate source of information and wisdom, but several times can be very helpful in order to get some basic idea about things that people unknow.

Twink: A player who creates a best in slot geared low leveled character to RUIN every newbie’s day and one shot them non stop in PVP cause they got 0 skills fighting 120s.

You’ll see them raging over this change, because they don’t wanna git gud fighting fair level max players.

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Yeah, why have an independent thought when i could just copy/paste something. You’re being very helpful. :neutral_face:

Yes sure, we can use that mindset and say “i don’t need to study economic history at college to know what capitalism really is, because i have my own independent thought”. Trust me, before develope a thought it’s better get information about that subject you want to talk.
But don’t get me wrong, this is a free forum and you can say anything you want with or without knowledge about the subject that people are talking, and there is nothing wrong with that. But you show your self pretty dumb at the moment that you declare that bring some source of information it’s just a copy-paste that go against of free thinking.