What is a Twink?

Can someone define “twink?” Is it someone who has heirlooms?

It’s someone that cries… a lot.


Generally, it’s a term for a player who intentionally stays sub-max level and gears up with the best gear they can get (either through gear obtained via a main or by many hours farming) so that they can be decidedly better geared than the average player of similar levels. Usually done for PvP.


You should see the levelers lmao

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The best way to find the answer to this question is to log onto a RP realm and ask in general/trade.


hehe heheh


A miracle little pile of secrets. But enough talk. Have at you!

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More than the people who were here complaining about twinks before the patch? Doubt.

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It’s also been used for powerleveling. Having an overpowered twink in their group can make things much easier for people leveling within the different scaling ranges.

When they were first released, back in WotLK, heirlooms could (and often were) considered twink gear. Nowadays, they’re not nearly as powerful.

A twink gets the best gear for a particular bracket to roflstomp non-twink players in PvP. Before the XP gain added to BGs, this meant they had to be VERY careful where they went and what they did, because there was no way to stop gaining XP. Twinking often includes using enchants, gems and professions to best advantage.

Whatever you do, do NOT google that term…


What is Twink, baby don’t hurt me, don’t hurt me. No more. What is Twink, baby don’t hurt me… lol. Sorry, I had to. I’m a little :crazy_face:


hehe hehe

That was my first thought too.


of all the terms to use…I have to ask why did this gaming community here use this one?


I don’t get why people suddenly get so hyped about the other definition. I finally looked it up and it’s so tame.

Hyped? Oh this is where you act all “adult.” Carry on.

To be fair, the term has been used in one form or the other in gaming since what…the 80s? late 70s?


I first heard it in EverQuest.


The idea of “twinking” long pre-dates wow, so it’s not defined within wow specifically. It’s just a low level character outfitted with items provided usually by a high level player with a lot of end-game resources.

In WoW it just means you have all the items that are Best in Slot (BiS) in whatever bracket. People will call you a twink if you just have enchanted heirlooms and decent gear, and you’re playing whatever class/spec is broken in your bracket.

Actual dedicated twinks are people who put considerable effort into outfitting an overpowered spec/class combo to dominate a bracket.

These days there’s much less of a gap between those, especially after the BFA stat squish and 7.3.5 nerfs.

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I mean… someone brings it up and it’s the same reaction as when someone mentions goldshire, which is also something people blow out of proportion.

Is freak out a better way to describe it? Overreact?

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