What is a Twink?

How about none of the above.

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This is not what I expected when I opened this thread.

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But it is an overreaction in 2019 when you consider that 50 shades of grey was a highly acclaimed series and some of that stuff was more wild than what a twink is. Unless I am missing something here.


People having a bit of fun. Sense of humor.

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Now I’m feeling like I missed something.

I guess I’m just a humorless person then or too dumb to get it. I remember when colorful waffles were the standard for cautionary tales when it comes to “be careful what you Google” and “it cannot be unseen”. Maybe I am desensitized sorry.

thats why i like you

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a male modal who leans for the same gender.

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I don’t know why but this brought a smile to my face lol.

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I mean, someone posted a picture of Twinkies. Am I really the only person who’s chuckling at this thread?


I am not sure exactly their state today but …

Back in the way back, a twink was a character that was equipped with gear, gems and enchants that they could never possibly get themselves.

There was no such thing as xp off back then. So, the player did everything they could to get them this stuff without earning so much experience that you would level out of the PvP bracket you were targeting. I remember level 19 was the most popular. If you accidentally dinged 20 then all your time and gold was wasted.

You really needed higher level characters with an obscene amount of gold to do it right. And a proper twink was a terror in the battlegrounds. You can find you videos to YouTube with level 19s destroying multiple characters in their 30s in world PvP.

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Nope i am with you there.

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Jokes like that aren’t funny to me when I’m this hungry.


I first heard it in WoW. Back in the Dark Ages of table-top gaming, min-maxer was the term we used for people who wanted to be uberly overly-geared.

Eh? I’m confused. This isn’t what a twink is. I mean, not really.

I’m pretty sure people talked about “twinking” in Diablo 2. Because it was common to recycle equipment. There was no such thing as respeccing, only re-leveling your character with a different build. So twinking was very much baked into the culture of the game.

oh wait…

just googled what it means, it’s a shorter word for twinkies and a slang for those who are interested in same genders.

followed by people who hate call high geared but low lvl’d pvpers.

A twink is someone who gets to level 19 or 29 or w/e, turns off leveling and finds the best level appropriate gear possible to smash people 9 levels lower in BGs. Or at least that’s what they were.

Lets just take a step back from a book that should be at the center of the #MeToo movement.

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