What is a game you wish was popular/deserves a second chance?

WildStar, lol. That’s probably the “newest” game I’d like to return.

Pretty much any early 2000’s MMO that died when WoW came along and sucked all their blood.

Exactly what I was going to say.

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I blame the fan base more than the game itself for its failure. The game was great, but the fan base latched on to smaller launch issues and used that to destroy the game.

Like oh no, one of the companions eyes was glitchy. Big deal. Skyrim has cows standing in air and gets 30000 remakes with a 5 million mods and official mod content.

Andromeda never got a chance to really shine imo.

Though Bioware gave up on it waaay too quickly too. I worry for Dragon Age Veilguard.

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I’m a big Mass Effect Andy and I don’t know how they could have saved that game. They’d need several whole years to build almost a new games worth of stuff to get to where I think they needed to get.

The premise and what they presented were at complete odds. Starfield is closer to what I would have expected in terms of scale of the setting. They oversold and underdelivered. At least with Veilguard they’re being very direct about the scope so I think they learned their lesson on that one.

Blame their marketing then.

The game is playable and fun and has some decent dungeons and cool powers but what they sold and what they delivered are so far apart.

Super Mario Bros. 2


Lost kingdoms,Wildstar,Darksiders.

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World of Warcraft


Guild Wars

I absolutely love immersing myself into these worlds. Just leave your politics out of it and create a good story.

I kind of wish Bioware hadn’t screwed up Anthem. Best movement system probably ever made for a game in that looter/shooter genre.

City of Heroes: Homecoming. Still has a small following. It is run by donations and sanctioned to be legitimately online.



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I Am Setsuna.
Nice little JRPG with quirks and flaws, but the most beautiful winter environments. I want to see a game with that style and setting, but dressed around a better, fuller game. Maybe a Zelda clone.

Never gonna happen (even before they approved of a private server)

Paragon pissed off NCsoft really bad by having a boatload of aborted titles NCSoft paid for. And while CoH was profitable in the end, it wasn’t that profitable, definitely not enough to spin up an official version while private servers have had it emulated for years.

My personal computer was too old to handle it so I missed out.

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I’d consider that a matter of differing taste. Personally, I quite liked the fatalism of Bushido Blade 2, and the original was apparently more robust if slower. If given more time for refinement, I imagine it could’ve been on the same level as other more popular weapon-based fighters.

Fun game though. Fun, and also I really liked a lot of the fiction. So many cool and creative enemy designs. 5th Column, Clockwork Knights, The Lost, all of the Rikti stuff. Also City of Heroes did tackled the “mass produced corporate super heroes” thing before it became a mainstream deconstruction.

City of Villains was also really fun too. Beating the pulp out of those Longbow wanna-bes… mmm. So fun.

Honestly, I wish more games were more creative. Seriously, when I look at both Dragonflight and War Within, there’s almost literally nothing new. It’s almost all just rehashed and repackaged. It’s crazy to me. Where is the new stuff?

I’m following Stormgate right now and it does look cool but it’s also kind of like… a bunch of Blizzard guys just left Blizzard to make a game, and they’re making a game they already made before. The factions are just a rehash. I’ll probably play it because I’m hungry for a good RTS campaign but like… come on guys. Come on.

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I like the setting, content, and loved the creativity of the character creator/building, Something about its questing and endgame really rubbed me the wrong way, and I get why most people tended to just do farms when that became an option.

I loved it back in the day, just feel like it was a little too ahead of it’s time in some places, and the devs bit off more than they could chew in others.

Silk road, was a fun game back in the day.

I don’t think the end-game was particularly engaging either. Grinding for dual enhancements was just not enough for people in terms of progression when you get all of these cool super powers while leveling.

Also I think a lot of the end-game villain factions just don’t hit the same way. The Rikti were solid but like, the Tree-Huggers or whatever they’re called with the living trees and stone elementals were just not it.

And then also I think the leveling experience actually sort of set the bar way too high in the sense that you actually defeated major lore super villains while leveling. The Clockwork King and Dr. Vahzilock come to mind as like major figures you took down and that was like a concrete victory, but then with the end-game baddies they were very conservative because they wanted the rogues gallery to last. The thing is though, no one wants to spend the amount of time you do on these end-game task force chains only for it to be a minor setback for the villains.

WoW rushes through its villains too fast but City of Heroes was way too slow to progress through its villains. And I understand there’s the whole “you throw Joker in Arkham only for him to break out again” trope but like… I don’t think players want that in an MMO. Nemesis was horrible in that respect, with his infinite doom bots, every single time he popped up in the story you knew your time was being wasted. I’d have more respect for him if he was interesting but his brass goombas just look corny and he’s just a knock-off Doom.

I also think that 8-man parties are just a bit too large for most people nowadays. That’s a raid level of party for most people now. Maybe if most task forces were scaled for a 4-man party it’d be more playable in the modern day but I can’t imagine wanting to scrounge up 8 people just to do leveling stories. 10-man BFD and Gnomer in WoW are fine but those are like 20-30 minute adventures, you’re not spending hour(s) doing them.

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