What is a game you wish was popular/deserves a second chance?

My thought on Wildstar is more that it was HERE to soon.

It was directly and openly competing for WoW’s most dedicated players, but it was doing it a decade ago (yeah, it’s been a decade boys), during MoP.

I have a feeling it might’ve been able to stick around if it launched a few expansions later. M+ has basically destroyed pre-Mythic Raid Prog. It could have filled that spot. That and a lot more people are just more open to at least trying other MMOs at this point, either due to issues with modern WoW design or just, you know, having played the same thing for so long that something new sounds like a good change of pace. Or issues with the company itself (see: the FFXIV train during the lawsuit).

I loved Wildstar. But I didn’t stay with it, because I was still prog raiding in WoW and I knew I didn’t have the time to dedicate to doing that in 2 games at once. And by the time that was no longer the case, it was gone.

I just want to see Shadowrun adapted into a mmo. Never make a deal with a dragon, chummer.



I wish the Arc the lad series got a renewal. Twilight of the Spirits and ATL2 are easily two of my most favorite JRPGs. Then Sony releases a fetid pile of garbage as a sequel to TotS and the franchise is dead.


I’m friends with a former Carbine dev and talked to another one at a GDC and Wildstar’s problem was having the company direction be run by a bunch of moron execs who rarely actually bothered consulting with their devs to the point where they were learning about new “features” from press releases.

Warplots alone were the brainchild of one particular failson that ate up a massively disproportionate amount of time from every single team, time that could have been used to add content, fix bugs, finish the raids, etc. Their launch wildly beat expectations but server issues and people going into shock seeing the artificially gated endgame (because they were stalling for time to finish half of the 25 man and basically all of the 40 man raids) killed its momentum fast

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Maplestory 2 NA and Hyper Universe but not under nexon greedy management
Wild Star
Ninja Gaiden and pretend the third game never happened
Custom Robo
J star vs
Splinter Cell

It’s wild, heh, how many MMOs launch finished. Both Wildstar and Warhammer Online just died because they went out unfinished. And not like the way people call Shadowlands a beta or whatever. Actually incomplete itemization and not-completed content.

Aion had so much potential. The 11th hour 1000% increase to experience to level so they could sell XP potions was just too slimy for me. I loved the idea of flying power.

I just learned that Final Fantasy Tactics is getting a remaster. I’m really excited about that.

There was this great game in PS2 where you played like a psychic, special forces guy. You could use telekinesis, pyroknesis, mind control, etc. I remember there was a boss fight where you had to dodge shipping containers being thrown at you by the guy who taught you to use your telekinesis powers. That game was fun as hell.

There was also this great series where you played a guy named Yuri who could turn into demons that took place in like an alternate WWII. Stalin was a boss, turns out he’s an evil wizard or something. That was also great.

Someone reminded of this one. Another great game.

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Splinter Cell was so good.

I wish Vagrant Story was more popular.

Quite a fantastic game that would benefit from voice acting and modern hardware to make the dungeons more seamless.


That game was really good. Parasite Eve had a similar combat system. I played them around the same time. Both prime for a rebound.


I hope someone creates a patch to restore the wonderfully clunky PSX era dialog


Imma say it.


There is no game that better defines wasted potential. It had so much going for it: innovative combat system (for the time), interesting take on world content (4 mini classes for exploring, combat, lore, and base building), a charming character design style, tons of personality, and so much more!

It was killed by an awful parent company with NCsoft. Give them a real dev team and a real parent company and bring that game back!

Runner up: Star Wars Galaxies.

Again, for its time and pre nge, it was innovative in so many ways. Truly custom classes and skills, best space fighting ever, best player housing ever, and they made non-combat playstyles meaningful.

It’s a shame that SoE messed it all up, and I am normally an NGE defender. But if they hadn’t done that SWG may have lasted longer. Heck it might even be around today in an official capacity.

The main reason this wasn’t my number 1 choice is because it is still playable with private servers where as wildstar is not.

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Dood, FFT remaster is so hype, so hype. FFT is honestly one of the best games of all time. Art, story, world, gameplay and mechanics, character design, music, all 10/10.

I only replay it less because I’ve played it so much the disk is scratched and some times the load screen from the deployment screen to the mission hangs. I’ve played it on ROMs (and played through a great mod of the game) but I’d rather play it on my TV rather than PC monitor.

As a long time console junkie I am going to go with 3DO’s Killing Time and Twisted: The Game Show.


Castlevania: Symphony of the Night I know it was popular but I need a remake of it.

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RIFT, for sure.

It has a lot of potential, but the Anhket expansion is just…boring. And they neglected Cleric for a long time, that’s why I left.

Such a shame, I really missed collecting artifacts.

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It would be amazing to see the 2 3DS ports get the remaster treatment.

The originals are rough around the edges, but still good (once your eyes adjust to the 20 fps frame cap :dracthyr_cry_animated:) I still have my OoT gold cartridge with the original fire temple music and red blood in one of the final cutscenes. Both were altered in later production runs.

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It’s a shame Trion’s financial issues were so bad RIFT’s success couldn’t fix it. Through the first expansion I liked it a lot more than WoW at the time. Then they released a mid expansion and then… yeah.

Mass Effect: Andromeda.

It just needed a bit more time to cook and it could have been saved by DLC. A shame it got canceled.

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Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning.

Though if I had it my way, I would make the Gnomes in that game a playable race since the others are. Would roleplay for fun that my Gnome Warrior got teleported to that world from Azeroth or something.

(Sips :beer:)