What is a game you wish was popular/deserves a second chance?

Rift was fun and had a lot of potential. Darker and more grim than FF and WoW. I think they lost direction and interest in development. It’s hard to keep things going expansion after expansion the way wow has.

Although, ngl, as a cleric player, it was rather annoying that the rogue and warrior had access to healing specs that usually performed better than cleric options.

Bushido Blade; perhaps one of the most unique fighters ever made. It’s spiritual successors never came close to matching it and it baffles me how more people haven’t tried emulating it.

Also Shutoko Battle (AKA Tokyo Extreme Racer) and Racing Lagoon. Apart from me just wanting street racing games to make a comeback, I also feel more devs need to focus more on immersion and world building in racing games. I can’t help but feel too few seem to care about such things, or the single player experience in such games, anymore. There needs to be more racing games where I can redo a campaign without having to scrap my save file. There needs to be more racers than just dry hard simulation, shallow and directionless facades of festivals and cartoon go-karts.

…Also, I just want more Car RPGs, that’s a very unique genre that I wish was explored more.


I also wish more people liked the Way of the Samurai games. They’re a great set of RPGs that more or less managed to do what Sucker Punch was aiming for with Ghost of Tsushima. Absolutely wonderful Samurai simulators that could’ve gone far. They’re a bit janky and occasionally silly, but they provided a unique experience and did so quite well.


Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare.

The gizmos in that game were actually REALLY baller.

Total Annihilation and/or Supreme Commander (they were made by the same creator).

Amazing open-ended RTS games. Supreme Commander still holds up well enough today graphically, but the built-in AI is just absolutely horrible. It will do really dumb things like build nothing but land-based units on an island map. And when you do things like destroy the enemy power-plants, instead of re-building their power-plants, the AI will just continue building other random stuff. I would LOVE to see what this game would be like with a revamped modern AI.


I remember FF IX being very good when I played it as a kid. It was nice to go back to a more traditional fantasy/steampunk setting after the sci-fi stuff of 7 and 8. But apparently everyone else disagreed.


I think another thing that hurt Rift was that it launched when WoW was facing a lot of criticism over Cataclysm, and there was a great deal of the community that was made up of WoW rage quitters. After they cooled off they returned to WoW and it gave the impression that they were leaving because of Rift rather than going back to WoW.

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Fun question. I think a game that deserves a second chance is Halo: Reach. But specifically the custom games and the custom games community elements.

I think the best part about the Halo franchise is their Forge mode. “Halo Customs” was a something every teenager was looking forward to back during Halo: CE, Halo 2, and Halo 3.

Mongoose racing, Zombies/Infection, Grifball, etc. There are so many different ways to play Halo custom games, it’s worth every penny. However, the franchise has really fallen off over the years.

I think allowing for modded lobbies in Halo MCC was awesome. And I wish they created a better API to increase the complexity of the custom games you could create. For example, the potential to make your own campaign levels, create custom events and bosses (Destiny-esque bosses), and tons of other fun or weird ideas.

But in terms of raw fun, Halo Customs is something I feel everyone should try with their friends. A few good games of Jenga or Duck Hunt and you’ll understand why it’s a beloved game.

I think that a remake of Rift with an updated engine would do pretty well, if they could make the combat feel good. That game had the best class system of any MMO I’ve played.

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I wish they would revisit the Thief franchise and give it another shot. The first couple games were fantastic.

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This one…

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A bold choice. The N64 doesn’t have many RPGs, and this is arguably the worst one. I think Quest 64 has many more redeeming qualities than Aidyn Chronicles. But I’m glad someone loves it. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I’m also choosing an N64 game. One of my favorites of all time is Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber.



While technically still alive. It’s now owned by a company that is doing nothing with it, and it’s a true shame as it has some of the best systems in the MMO genre to date. The team at Trion really did a great thing with it, but unfortunately too many people considered it to be a ‘wow clone’ and dismissed it out of hand.

It was one of those games that I really thought the Classic WoW community would have preferred back when Classic WoW could only be played on private servers. Sadly no one really swapped over and so the game slowly declined in popularity until the company and the RIFT IP was sold to its current owners.


quest 64 a babies first rpg better than aidyn chronicles which had depth in its combat system an actual attempt at choices in branching dialog and an actual interesting story compared to quest 64’s generic as milk toast fantasy 1 rip off storyline. I dont think so.
the only thing it did wrong was have abysmal graphics.

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Like I said, I’m glad someone loves it. Every game deserves to be loved by someone. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I miss fable

Shadow hearts
there is to this day not ever been a horror RPG quite like it

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Bought it and regretted it. The gameplay was woefully boring. The narrative was exhaustingly artistic. I’m all for indie games feeling “indie as heck” but there’s a limit for me.

I have a few similar games in my library and the best way I can describe them is visually stunning, disappointingly boring.

I tried it the beginning and quit. I regret not giving it a better try.

Why the flying buttcheeks hasn’t this been ported to Switch yet :angry:

On that note, why haven’t the N64 remakes been ported? Majora’s mask is painfully outdated.

Unique, yes, but fun? Questionable. Not compared to Marvel vs Capcom 2 or Darkstalkers at least.

If only I had the time for RTS I’d go back to playing this. Though, I fear it was kind of meh. Zooming out and watching a battlefield of “tiny spec” units really pulled me out of the immersion. Anything zoomed in was freaking awesome.

eternal darkness
i hate scary games but thats legit the best one out there
watched my mom play as a kid n its great.
sadly no ones heard of it lol cant even ever hope for a port either.

like i would just buy the game just buy the game for pure support for the devs
n thats it lol would NEVER play it bc it gave me nightmares and again not a fan of scary lol

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heroes of the storm , a solid game loop . sad that blizzard stopped supporting it

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City Of Heroes Homecoming? NC Soft just recently gave the group their official seal of approval to continue operating it.

It’s pretty much back.

And while we’re on that NC Soft note: Wildstar.

Seriously, f%^$ you, NC Soft.