What is a current goal you are working on? FREE Mount Giveaway Over

Oh wow! I’m excited! Thank you. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I’ll be Horde side for the next hour on Dakrul-EmeraldDream and after that, I’ll be on Aliance side. If you need me to make a character somewhere to talk about this, just let me know. I’d give my Bnet, but… I have a feeling that’s not the best idea. LOL

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Why does this feel like a scam? Am I jaded?


OMG I won! Thank you SO much!


Grats! And just wanted to wish you continued luck on staying free from that ciggy habit. I smoked my last one August 15th 2010. Getting free felt like divine intervention.

Double grats to you Chriarcy! That’s definitely an accomplishment worth celebrating.


Thank you! 17 days now. :grimacing:

To not play games until my irl work is finished.

Not to gain weight.

Oh. Wow goals?

Finish another race for my utility guild. I just got all flavours of bloodelf to max level. Next up… Trolls!

I think…

Don’t forget to edit the OP and title to notate the giveaway is over. People are still entering.

Yes You are. Last time it was all Horde just about that won. Names are drawn at random. it is what it is. Lastly what are they being scammed of? their time for making the post? ROFL

Can you meet me in game?

Oh wow I missed a whole giveaway? I also lost t3 somehow… what’s happening to me D:

Sure how do we do this?

Make a lvl 1 and Pst me on this toon on Stormrage. loggin in now

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No no, I mean… a scam like you’re a prince in a middle eastern country and just need me to wire you money so that I’ll get millions of dollars, sort of scam.


Ill pst you on that toon after I take care of Chariarcy

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Relying now

Sunwarmed Furline please and thanks again! :relaxed:

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She has her mount!

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That is a perfect shot! I am so happy, I am not the luckiest person to win stuff and being a diehard mount collector, this fella fits perfect into my collection! You made me a happy person today and I thank you so much!


I’m going with the same, 'cause KITTEH! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Yea I am a cat lover!

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