What is a current goal you are working on? FREE Mount Giveaway Over

Thallia has her mount!

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Easy and awesome and yā€™all are wonderful for doing things like this!


Both winners are taken care of! OP updated!

Thank you so much agian Grizzle for sponsoring the second mount! Thanks to you there were two winners instead of one!


Congratulations you guys!!


Will you do the next giveaway? I know youā€™ve been regularly co-sponsoring these, and I think itā€™d be cool if you hosted a giveaway yourself next time.

Iā€™d enjoy seeing what you come up with what youā€™d like people to do to enter and how youā€™ll choose the winner(s), etc.

Whatcha think?

Sure :slight_smile: I can host my own-giveaway. Imma still tag Grim though since sheā€™s the reason Iā€™m even helping with any of this


Thatā€™d be great! :smiley:


Cute :wink:

Nah. The winning folks contributed nothing except their time making their OP. It was a simple Raffle. Their Raffle ticket was their OP

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now you make me feel like a dinosaur. I smoked my last cig in 1982.


Oh I feel like one too! Itā€™s these crazy times we live in.

In modern times, adolescence starts at around 6, young adulthood kicks in around 14; full grownup level hits at exactly 18; and pretty much anyone over 25 and definitely anyone over 30 is considered old.

Everything past 30 just kind of gets lost in some weird mix that no one really understands.

And grats on kicking that habit. Gosh, 1982, now thereā€™s an era Iā€™d sure love to live through again, knowing then what I know now.