What is a current goal you are working on? FREE Mount Giveaway Over

Another giveaway! Thanks for giving us all a chance to win…My current goal is to cut down on drinking and get more exercise and try to count my blessings every day.

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What an amazing goal this is. Kudos to you

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In-game, I just started a slow but steady quest for the Corrupted Dreadwing mount from WoD. Irl, just tryna keep on keepin’ on.

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My goal is to farm the valentines event daily for the love ricket

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My New Years Resolution? To quit smoking, now 15 days in still smoke free. :relaxed:

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In game working on my working as a team guild achievement. Just need to get my BS, LW, Inscription, and Archeology up to 525. Inscription is close and LW is getting closer. BS should be no problem and my main has 369 in Archeology most of which came as a result of doing those daily mining grinds in WOD garrison. And WOD was supposed to be such an awful expac.

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I’m chipping away at my undersea usurper achievement and also working on a fishing achievement from BfA. I just got max friendship with Nat Pagle and I am enjoying my fishing chair. I also plan on working on the fishing reputations in Legion and I want to get that fish mount.

One fish two fish fel fish void fish

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Just FYI

I may or maynot lose power tomorrow when this Raffle ends. A Blizzard is going to drop up to 24" of snow on us Sat (today)-Sun (tomorrow) Night. If I do lose power I will use my phone and still come on here and announce the winners at 11:59am EST or shortly after. I just may be running on limited resources. So bare with me if I lose power!

Im going to do the best I can with what ever resources this storm takes away.

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I wasn’t aware that type 2 diabetes had these effects. Lots of people are undiagnosed because they have no symptoms. Make sure everything else has been checked out. You might have something else that is complicating the situation.

My new year resolution is to adopt a healthy lifestyle, lose the extra weight I have gained and switch to plant based/vegan diet

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Stay active and takes breaks!

We’re trying to figure out what’s going on. Doc’s current suggestion is having me stop a preventative migraine med I’ve been on for over a year that literally changed my quality of life. I went from having migraines bad enough that 1000mg of acetaminophen and 800mg of ibuprofen simultaneously wasn’t touching them to having them once in a blue moon, almost over night. I’m a bit over a week into that and I’ve had horrible migraines or the start of a migraine that I managed to nip in the bud like five out of the last ten days.

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The worst part when having something wrong is not knowing whats causing it. :cry:

It’s definitely been a learning experience. I learned that Rybelsus is definitely not for me despite plenty of commercials suggesting it for diabetes. Fun fact: its common side effects include nausea, headaches, and fatigue. Had all three hit me like a freight train. On top of which, one of my migraine meds causes nausea, a nausea med causes headaches, and due to the fatigue and nausea I was barely eating or drinking so dehydration kicked in. It was a feedback loop from hell. :upside_down_face:

I appreciate all the well wishes! <3 Only number that’s come back off on labs is Vitamin D being a bit low, but so far a supplement hasn’t caused any real changes in that regard.

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My New Years Resolution? I’m trying to help get my mom out of the redneck ghetto and I am working on trying to help her get a new house, sell her current dilapidated dump, and get her to somewhere where it’s safe for elderly folks to live, where she can get easy access to her friends and medical care. I have 23k left to pay off on her old dump so I cut a lot of luxuries out of my own life with WoW and other things being one of them. So in the mean time I am working on landing a promotion at work that will help pay that dump off quicker.


12 Hours left guys!

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Just about 1 hour left folks

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Thallia and Chriarcy are the WINNING names that were drawn! Congratulations!

I need to meet up with the two of you in game to get your mounts to you! Please reply to acknowledge that you won within 24 hours as stated in the FAQ in the OP.


Grats winners.

And GRIZZLE, since you seem to be a regular sponsor of these giveaways, may I make a request? I’d like to see you try your hand at hosting the giveaway next time. (give the warlock a break lol)

I’d enjoy seeing what you can come up with for what you want people to do to enter and how you’ll choose the winners, etc.

What do you say?


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