What is a current goal you are working on? FREE Mount Giveaway Over

Getting KSM 2000 rating before the patch. At 1927 now.

Going to be hard with limited play time and a baby who has seemingly forgotten how to sleepy entirely =/

I just want to get it at least one time in an xpac!

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My resolution is to find a good car that won’t get crashed into haha (got 2 ruined within the past few year) & to improve my relationships with everyone around me

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Pretty much the same here


my goal u know me gonna try and do all the events get the proto drake mount from the achievement

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My new years Resolution is to be asleep before 5am every night/day/morning.

This might sound like a bit of a joke but… For me this is difficult. I struggle a lot with motivation, ADHD and such, which makes doing simple things like sticking to a day routine very difficult. I’ve luckily got a job that doesn’t require fixed hours, but I still understand this isn’t good for me long term. Last year I had periods where I slept mostly on a whim or out of exhaustion, which lead to some 8+ hour swings from day to day and a slew of negative health issues.

Getting into the habit of sleeping every night and waking up every morning / early afternoon is the first small step towards something consistent. Going well so far!


I’m working on the Reins of a Tamed Bloodfeaster at the moment. I’m up to 53k kills.

Don’t try this at home.

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My current goal is to get every piece of transmog I can from crafting items from the expansions up to and including Pandaria.


Last year I sort of made two:

  • Finish Lorewalker in game. I almost had it pre-Cata but Cata reset all the Vanilla quest lines so I had to start over. I finished in February!
  • Stay on my meds and practice the self care techniques that help. I did that and have been pretty stable! Oh, and get at least one raised garden bed back in operation.


  • In game I want to get my other alts to level 60 and max renown. That will give me one of every profession. I need to have one do the Necrolord Covenant so I can see the story from that side too. I already did Night Fae and Venthyr. Ascended is stalled by a dungeon requirement.
  • Out of game I want to overcome some major mental blocks with house maintenance/upgrades. I want to scrub the deck and paint it again. The deck is half covered by a tin roof and I want to wash and repair the wood structure for that and stain it. Then hang some solar lights! I have everything to do it with, I just need to get outside and DO the work once spring happens.
  • Do a better job starting veggie and herb seedlings inside before spring. Prep BOTH raised beds for the first time in years. GROW things. Noms. I got one done last year and have quite a few frozen containers of home made tomato sauce!
  • This one sounds odd, but stick it out with the Community Council and be as helpful as I can, including still posting on GD/CS/TS across the games. I am a TS/CS MVP as well as a greenie for Diablo so tend to have a lot of players who need interactions and answers. Someone has to do it and it does make me feel like I solved puzzles when I sort something out for someone :slight_smile: Stick to fishing in games, not taking bait on forums.

I like you

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The one goal I was working on I achieved a few days ago and that was getting the achievement to allow me to purchase the bronze Bastion robot bird mount from the Death’s Advance vendor.

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Not really a resolution, but trying to get my health stabilized. Recently got diagnosed type-2 diabetic and the fatigue is making it difficult just to do basic self-care stuff. Just brushing my hair is a struggle right now. So I guess my goal is to focus on the little accomplishments I make while adjusting to everything. Even if it’s just putting forth the Herculean effort of brushing my teeth before I go to bed.


I feel for you.

My Mother and my Aunt were obese and got that. The horrible thing was that they did not see this as a need to change; they saw it as a license to continue living that way and do what the doctor said.

I try to keep fit, since I see both of them getting it as a hereditary thing (well, besides the fact that they were obese.)

While you are younger, if you are, make changes now. They let it sneak up on them and overtake their lives. Suddenly they were in their 60’s, very overweight, and unable to make the changes they had to make.

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For now and until 9.2, it’s to finish FF14 story. Chipping away slowly at it.

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Craft my Shadow Resist set in P3 BCC. Not sure how necessary it will be though.

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Not a resolution no. But it is always a very good goal

Goal/Endeavor: Further a career in the aerospace industry, work hard with as much overtime opportuned to me, and learn as much as possible to build an essential workforce skillbase.

Current footholds to achieving this endeavor:

  • Certificate of Technical Studies
  • Diploma in Aerospace Manufacturing/Technology
  • Associate of Applied Science
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My real life goal is to be more patient. In game I am trying to get all my alts to 60.

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I would like to get a free store mount! Goal :smiley:

Quit wow, 6 days left on my sub. Wish me luck!