What is a current goal you are working on? FREE Mount Giveaway Over

Well looks like I had another goal that I wasn’t aware of till you shined a light on it

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In game goal is to acquire King’s rest mount!

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i currently have 3 all pretty long term goals tbh but important to me to at least get a start on this year.

  1. Quit smoking for good. i’ve been a smoker since i was 15; i am currently 29. i spend a LOT of money smoking about $11 a pack where i live and i smoke about 2 packs a day every day so yea it adds up. quit for 2 years straight cold turkey; i had no choice i was broke and had no job at the time. i was actually depressed in the sense after my first job i tried to find another one where the manager just straight up belittled me in the interview. so yea after some time i just felt like sh** especially at a young age that is kind of F’d up thing to say to someone.

  2. buy a new car; this one i have to work on the most because my current car is having major issues and i don’t want to spend even more money fixing it. car was given to me already in bad shape and least to say it’s way too big for me ( it’s a mini van and im the only person that uses it so makes no sense to keep it imo ). right now im currently saving up but i mean i don’t have a lot saved up. it doesn’t need to be brand new but just something decent to get me by. i have been wanting to learn and have been learning to fix the van up but yea that too is kind of time consuming as well. if i can save up to about 10k i’d be okay. right now i have only 3k saved up almost 4k. if i can save around 10+k though i might just opt for a totally brand new car but idk yet. it’s just a matter of how long until the van fully dies out. i drive it about 20miles per day for work give or take i have a court date that is hit or miss as well. for excessive speeding so i might have my license taken away for a year which can help me out in the savings tbh but not so much with my sleep schedule if i have to catch the bus.

  3. go back to college; i went back few years ago but it was a waste of my time. they made me retake all pre reqs that i had completed just because they now combined them into 1 class which was dumb tbh. looking to go back in august though get into a field that i will enjoy more and make more money. i currently work as a cook; got a degree in culinary arts but the pay isn’t there. at this rate i will have to work 2 full time jobs just to make a decent living. i love cooking it’s just the money issue. i live in Hawaii on Oahu; it’s not cheap here. at one point in my life i worked 3 jobs. money was good tbh but i had no time to do anything. came home to eat, sleep, back to work. that is not a life i want. i eventually want to have kids and get married and plus i also have an elderly dog so right now i try not to work as much

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For wow specifically I kind of want to get my first ksm next season the red elemental looks sick. Not sure what i plan on irl right now.

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I’ll stick with the WoW goal. I plan on finishing the last raid of the expansion and getting AOTC (Ahead of the Curve). That’s more of new patch goal but it’s coming out in 2022 so it fits.

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I planned to get vaccinated.

It is kind of hard on my overnight shift. If they had just sent people there, when I was at work, I would have been vaccinated right away. Its kind of like expecting a “daywalker”, who is 55, to go get vaccinated at midnight.

This is the second day after and I kind of feel like when I got the H1N1 flu 14 years ago. I was totally fine after getting the shot then four hours later I was in bed with horrible feverish chills. Luckily I’m on vacation for my second shot.

I already bought all the store mounts :wink: The last one or so during this Christmas sale.


All good Goals :+1:

I brew my coffee with an orange peel, add a lil tiny pinch of salt, and some cardamom.
Mornings went from hell on earth to enjoyable at last :joy:

Keep me out of the giveaway <3 I won enough for two giveaways.
My resolution is to stop procrastinating. I may do that, eventually. Hopefully :pleading_face:

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To live to see 2023

You know the world’s in a dark place when a goal which in the past would be seen as a edgy joke; now makes you go “hmmmmmm… good goal”


My new year resolution was to start classes again this spring to finish my degree, while simultaneously holding down my current job, which I loathe. I can do this! :muscle:

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In game, finish getting my herd of alts to 60 via Threads of Fate. Oh, and pick a covenant on this guy lol.

Out of game, lose the 40 pounds I put on during first year and a half of the pandemic (before my doctor kills me).



It’s all the cookies haha.


You have no idea though a lot of them weren’t mine. One of my friends who is retired bakes for local groups and well, she couldn’t bake for local groups so I got more cookies, bars, muffins, etc. than one gnome could possible eat. Not that I didn’t try LOL.



Don’t usually do resolutions but am aiming to get more active and start eating better and cut out all the chocolate…mmmmmchocolate…

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I’ll pass on the raffle but thanks, just want to contribute.

My New Years goal is to beat this freaking Endwalker story line. WoW spoiled me.

I’m kidding. That should be done in two weeks or so.

What I’d really like to achieve is getting back into WoW retail somehow. Probably need to find a friend or two in game to make it stick.

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How very modest of you. Nevertheless thanks for sharing in contributing to the positivity of this thread


Of course. It’s the least I can do to help overcome all the negativity.

Honestly, it’s one of the big reasons I left the game in the first place. I will say though, the grass isn’t always greener. I had my fun in FF14 but it doesn’t compare to WoW for me. Unfortunately, the community is still a little too much.

I’ve come to realize that falls to us to fix. These forums are ripe with negativity. It’s time we turn that around by encouraging constructive criticism and treating each other like fellow human beings.

Your raffles are a great start. Thank you for that.

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Closest thing I have to a resolution this year is to continue cutting soda out of my diet.

Feeling much better after cutting it out almost entirely, although I have lost some dearly needed weight as a side effect. I guess sacrifices needed to be made.


Thanks for doing this again Grimoire! :slight_smile:
I think honestly ~ with how New Years resolutions go…
I really want to lose weight this year.

It’ll improve my health first and foremost but I’ll start to feel better.
I’m starting to feel like a depressed tortollan :turtle: