What if the Light Emperor does not exist on our world?

Here I am referring to the Arathian Light Emperor insinuated to be the one that sent the expedition which had an accident and landed inside Hallowfall for the War Within expansion. I’m trying to be careful and specific… I am not saying that he does not exist, but that he does not exist on our current version of Azeroth as a planet.

Instead, maybe here are some options:
Maybe the Stormy Sea barrier is a magical rip in spacetime leading to an alternate timeline Azeroth?

Maybe the Stormy Sea barrier is a magical gateway to another dimensional layer for our Azeroth similar to how the elemental planes and skyhold and maw of souls etc are in different dimensions and maybe one of those layers was an ordered Light biome that some humans/elves entered hundreds of years ago and built their empire there?

Maybe Stormy Sea barrier is a magical gateway to another planet in the great dark and centuries ago some humans/elves made it through and created an empire there?

Maybe Stormy Sea barrier is a magical gateway leading to the Past or Future of ‘our’ Azeroth?

For all of the above options, some humans/elves could have gone through centuries ago and made an empire there, then only 15 years ago had the expedition with the accident to come into Hallowfall.

But also, one possibility outside the above, is that maybe the heretic titanwatchers and titankeepers who Odyn views as enemies could have made one of the above on purpose…creating the stormy sea barrier as a defensive protection from Odyn’s forces trying to punish them on that other side.

Basically, since we don’t have any evidence for any other landmasses in our normal Azeroth, it seems more likely that the things we’ve been told about a light emperor will end up to be unreliable narrator things… and the barrier in the sea being magical will end up explaining where that light emperor came from.


I thought about something similar.

Like, what if these Arathi are from another universe or dimension. Perhaps their universe was fated to end, in a legend that only the Emperor knew of, so he sent a group as refugees without telling them.

I mean, one almost has to conjure up all sorts of theories to explain what the heck is going on, here.


From what we know, the Arathi homeland is past the isle of Avaloren where the ‘heretic’ Titanforged have set up camp. That leads me to think it is in fact just the other side of Azeroth. The sea of storms is a mystical barrier set up by the titanforged to keep Odyn’s subjugation forces from ever reaching them. Perhaps whatever they did grew beyond the Titanforged’s ability to control and basically trapped them in as much as it kept their enemies out.

As to how the humans and elves made it through, one would suspect the Light helped them bypass the barrier just like it saved the army sent out to fight in the final battle of Light and Shadow.

They have teased the other side of the world many time, and even up in orbit that half the the world is conveniently covered and storm clouds. It is hard to know what is going on over there.


It’s possible. :8ball::robot:

Recently curious if the Arathi homeland is Zul’Dare. Was a little close to Kul’tiras but the weather is powerful enough to trap a fleet. Then the Drust and Mechagnomes destroying survivors that came too close. :robot::thought_balloon:

An alternate Azeroth, eh? Well, we got an AU Draenor for the Horde to see all of it’s old big-named characters circa WC1 + WC2. That said, I don’t see how this empire of half-elves would deliver the same for the Alliance.

Besides, I think the Bronze Flight would know if there was a time-storm linking Azeroth to an AU Azeroth.

Shadowlands and WoD has me thinking about some sort of alternative metaphysics that really isn’t worth hurting my brain trying to make sense of, when the answer ends up being “magic”

But… what if Time isn’t just the Titans to play with?

Heck, what if Time was some Cosmic Force of its own that the Titans took control over.

Eonar has a similar connection over the Cosmic force of Life, for some reason.

Basically, what if Time is able to be manipulated by other Cosmic forces that might even know it better.

Maybe the Titans are like Cosmic Power thieves. Sargeras did take on the Fel as his own. Might be part of what they do.

My speculation recently has been the Titan’s original domain was time alone. Causation is the fundamental force of order, after all. In that sense, Originally, the only Titan was Aman’thul; he was Father Time, more or less. At some point of ensuring countless amounts of suffering, death, and destruction happened as intended he err’d away from his appointed task of maintaining the multiverse’s temporal cohesion, and started planning for creating a clockwork perfect timeline where everything goes right and no one suffers. To make that goal happen he transformed world souls into his pantheon.

Which would mean the Infinites might of been his actual intention in creating the bronze flight to begin with.


Eternal Ones, Pantheon of Death, ` New Interview`

The fact that the interview calls the Titan Keepers the Pantheon of Order would suggest that Odyn was the corrupter of the Titan World Souls not Aman’Thul.

The One True Timeline? Odyn’s doing to enforce Order on Time.

This reminds me of Firim’s words:


The six forces that pointed toward a seventh, and yet denied it. For a long while I considered this seeming contradiction no more than another variable. An unknown waiting to be solved.

But the song of the oracle continued to reverberate in my consciousness. And as I allowed my focus to soften, my grip upon the tangible to loosen, the geometry took shape in my mind.

It was both six AND seven. The six were one, and the seventh the other.

Did they desire union? The song seemed to say otherwise. Both were, yet only one could be.

The melody shifted. I shuddered at the shape it took.

This was not a variable to be solved. It was a solution awaiting its opportunity.

The Titans are a solution to the war between the 6 Cosmic Forces!

The Last Titan in that case would happen after Illidan freed Aman’Thul and the Titans from Odyn’s corruption upon which they head to Azeroth to rip open the path to Odyn’s mechanism for inducing Order Corruption.

The discovery that the Titans broke off from Order and ripped open the path to his machinery would probably drive Odyn to rush to force Order on Azeroth as soon as possible!

Clearly the Arathi are from the version of Azeroth paired with AU Draenor that got all messed up because the orcs never showing up meant Brox never held the portal closed at the end of the WOTA. Demons swarmed through en masse before the planet exploded, so the residents were forced to go hard into the light zealotry to survive the roving bands of demons laying waste to all but the one fortified island of safety. Clearly.

Where did you get this information? Who even said there was a “Light Emperor”?

The Arathi have a Holy Emperor of some sort who gets visions from the Light like Velen. A vision of a final battle between Light and Void is why they fielded an army that tried to brave the sea of storms to begin with.

Where does this information come from? Battlenet? Twitter posts? Wowhead? I haven’t seen it on Wowpedia.

Faerin says: We followed our Emperors sacred vision across the sea – to fight in Renilash, the final battle between light and dark.


Wowpedia appears to be trying to avoid putting much on TWW before it is offically released.

There is also another letter written by a dying Arathi paladin where he recounts his deeds spreading the light and ends with a “glory to the empire, glory to the emperor”. I will be darned if I can find it again, though.

I have a feeling that Blizzard might end up going down the route of Xal’atath, or a different void entity (like say a faceless one) manipulating the Arathi Empire into serving the void by making them think they are serving the light.

You know, take a page out of the Dreadlords book (mainly Balnazzar and Mal’ganis).

I think it is said somewhere that the higher ups in the Empire are more fanatical in their beliefs. I mean an upcoming dungeon has us fighting against more extreme members of this empire.

With the hints about what lies beyond the Storming Sea in both Dragonflight (Captain Nightsquall, that green dragon of legend) and TWW, we are for sure going past of the Storming Sea at some point. I doubt it will be in Midnight or The Last Titan.

You know, now that I think about it. I reckon the mega dungeon for TWW is not the Undermine, but Nightsqualls pirate base.


You don’t know that. It has never been said in game, hinted at in game, or implied in game. You are assuming it perhaps because of youtube content creators that make up speculations as such. But the game has never confirmed any normal geography which is being obscured anywhere.

Yep. That is why I am forced to include another universe being one of my possibilities. Especially since we have the precedent of them having us link our planet to another universe in Warlords of Draenor. If they did it already, they could do it again. Or… here is just some pure speculation. What if the act of linking alternate Draenor of 35 years ago to our Azeroth of our present… unfortunately also put a bit of a magical link from that universe’s Azeroth (to avoid confusion…the Azeroth which would exist in the universe where we killed Ner’zhul and stopped Gul’Dan) to our Azeroth of 35 years ago in our timeline? Notice, since we stopped Gul’Dan and killed Ner’zhul…there was never a horde invasion of that Azeroth, never a Lich King, never a destruction of the Sunwell, never a separation or division between the Humans and High Elves. So what if that Alternate Azeroth had an even stronger bond between Humans and High Elves…so much so that they interbred more readily and already had a Light Emperor that was receiving prophecies from the Naaru? Now, we saw in our own timeline that the Nathrezim were feeding fake prophecies to Naaru as a long con to get rid of those Naaru…but since there wasn’t a Legion invasion of that Azeroth, maybe the Nathrezim in that universe were feeding fake prophecies to those Naaru to get rid of them. And so maybe that prophecy assumed the Naaru needed to travel with the expedition that the Emperor sent…and despite their prophecy, the Nathrezim could have arranged it so their expedition failed and the Naaru would accidentally zap through the magical link between our worlds and find themselves injured or incapacitated underground in a different universe. Unable to oppose whatever the Nathrezim were planning back in their alternate universe. That might also explain why all the mages of the expedition were killed. The Nathrezim didn’t want them to be able to come back? So yes, the Light Emperor would exist, but “not” on our own planet at all.

Wasn’t that the entire premise for the mag’har recruitment scenario…? That the bronze flight noticed a strange magical link from their AU Draenor to our Azeroth?

The character Faerin Lothar mentions that they have a Light Emperor that sent her expedition in the beta. She talks about him with Anduin. She does “not” give enough details to exclude any of the options I mention in my original post, though.

These YouTube Content Creators think it’s past Avaloren?!

I would assume it’s Avaloren itself!

Avalon is where King Arthur went and is the Fairy Realm.

The Arathi resemble Medieval Europe which is exactly the sort of Kingdom that King Arthur would rule so why can’t Avaloren be where the Arathi Half-Elves reign!?

Let’s hope it comes with actual Fairies like Avalon!

I’m not interested in your assumptions…but given your past behavior; it is at least progress to have you say assumption rather than something “we know” when we don’t know it. :relieved:

I am struggling to find the material as the Warcraft Wiki’s coverage for TWW is space at the moment, but it was mentioned when settling they went “past the titan’s isle” and settled their empire further east still. I should not of called it Avaloren, I suppose, as there is no hard proof its the same place, but seems likely.

No evidence for anything in your claim so far. Therefore it is not possible to come up with any “seems likely” yet. Thus… as I said, you don’t know that. Look, here’s the thing. I have shown in my original comment for the thread that I’m more than willing to put out a bunch of speculations and theories and what-ifs and whatnot…but I label them as such. It is very important not to start calling things “what we know” when we don’t know them.