What if Blizzard Banned The Use of Add-Ons

Playerbase drops by 90% and Blizz loses millions of dollars. The End of WoW.

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While I don’t frequent the forums often, I’ve only encountered this topic once, many months ago. The absence of clear guidelines on what constitutes spam raises many questions. Should we refrain from reposting about a topic after its initial discussion and simply necro the old thread? What if the topic was buried within an unrelated conversation? Should we ignore any topic that’s been discussed before? If so, why limit this rule to this specific forum? After all the topic has already been discussed in full on Reddit. Moreover, what defines the time limit before something is considered spam, and why don’t we have tools for quickly filtering topics to determine if they’ve been discussed previously?

Regarding the notion that certain threads are designed to stir up controversy, I haven’t observed much of that in this particular thread. Most responses seem reasoned and express subjective opinions. Does this mean that we can’t broach a topic because a couple of individuals in the player base can’t handle differing opinions and may engage in arguments? If that were the case, there might not be any threads left, as people can be contentious about virtually anything.

You do know that is the definition of troll posting right?

Trolling is when someone post or comments online to deliberately upset others . In short: Trolling is when someone deliberately tries to upset others online. Trolling can lead to a pile on, when others join in the attack.

Honestly, if Blizzard banned the use of Add-ons it mean they would have to make content easier which would bring it more in line with it’s closest rival in terms of difficulty for encounter difficulty. And honestly… FF encounters are pretty uninteresting and boring for the most part.

Would this hurt the game? Maybe. People would leave. Would people return who found the endgame too difficult to participate in? Doubtful since they have found other games to play.

I’ll be honest… I don’t use the search function. I glance thru a couple of scroll downs.
If I start a topic about something that was discussed a month or so ago… ooops.

Man, no. Pass. Let’s go over Blizzard’s track record:

Mythic + score to replace rio; no run history, so no way to tell how many keys a player has timed in a certain range.

Bags in edit mode: just a worse bagnon with a worse auto sort and no auto junk sales.

Hotbars in edit mode: again, a worse version of dominos/bartender with less customization options.

Let’s leave addons in the hands of more competent people, please.

or the dps metters
to see if we have the dps check for a boss or stop a lying player saying they can do big numbers

In the context of his previous post, it seems he’s referring to the idea that some individuals are actively seeking conflict with him, attempting to belittle him not based on the content of his topic but rather due to his username or alleged rule violations. If this is the case, I wouldn’t consider it trolling. If this behavior fits the definition of trolling, it would essentially mean that a single person being offended by you and persistently targeting you could effectively prevent you from participating on the forums altogether. This would essentially place blame on the victim of the stalking, which is unethical.

When it comes to navigating the forums, I usually browse a few pages back and perform a quick search. However, the search function doesn’t provide results sorted by date posted as far as I am aware.

Yeah the search function has a lot to be desired… Like… I’m not exactly certain who/what/why it’s current functionality was ever approved. But it is… what it is.

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i use a bag add on called sorted
keep all my toon items on look up without swapping toons
banks and gold i have intotal and who has the host

Whoa… I just thought of something that would make all the hardcore RPers mad.

That addon that let’s them give a detailed rundown on their character for others that have the addon.

I’m sure some RPer here knows what I’m talking about.

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Well I’m just making a guess really, given the premise of that other topic you posted got bleached because they don’t like criticism about removing flagged content. I was in the middle of reading that remove flag button thread and saw it go poof. I imagine because your response here sounds almost the same, but a shorter version, it might also get the axe. But maybe not. It’s pretty well buried.

Except you post repetitive threads about things you’ve already talked about. This particular thread is just a rehash of your Sept. 9th post: Admit it. You Can’t Play Wow by Yourself Anymore. You made a brand new post to keep the same argument rolling about going outside the game for help. This time you focus specifically on add-ons. Your other post had a broader context of add-ons, web guides and video tutorials.

I don’t think it’s a flaggable offense. I think people feel the topic is spammy because you’d recently addressed it (partially) in another post. In this thread you’ve gotten slightly more specific. But instead of creating this brand new thread you could have just added this onto the first discussion from Sept. 9th and built from there.

I do believe that if we can get account wide ignore on the forums, rather than having to filter through and ignore each individual alt, you’ll be getting your wish very soon. The only people that’ll keep flagging you are the serious trolls that just want to be bitter, as you said. Those who genuinely don’t like your posts can permanently put you on ignore and your threads will be filtered out of the topic list. Simple as that, no flagging necessary.

Unfortunately you don’t do yourself any favors by passively aggressively answering with responses like:

It’s like how a crazy uncle swears they aren’t racist, then makes a blatantly racist comment and blurts out obnoxiously, “Just Kidding!”

Anyways, getting back to your original topic. The add-ons I use are for role playing with friends - which the game doesn’t have tools built in for. And HealerProtection that announces in group chat when I am at 30% or below mana or nearly dead. That way there’s no blame put at my feet when a tank rolls into a boss fight on tyrannical and wipes because I get locked out cuz I’m chugging mana like it’s going outta style. I could survive without my add-ons, I’ve done so before.

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TRP and it’s definitely one that is helpful to us, but some folks don’t use RP addons. Which is cool if you want your character and history to be uncovered and a source of surprise rather than written out for others to get a gist of your backstory.

The one that really made me sad was the loss of GryphonHeart Items. That was an amazing add-on where you could build your own items, RP currency, create effects. TRP extended has some of these features - but GryphonHeart was far more user friendly.

The last time I played on a RP server… if you didn’t have that addon… they shunned you.
Moon Guard Cata

And No… I avoided Goldshire…

They would lose like half their players overnight.

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It’s eased up a little bit, it’s still incredibly well liked. The reason why they shun you is simply because they can’t remember your RP character’s name. So they don’t wanna be all awkward and say, “Hey…youuuu…” and hope someone else drops your name for their recollection :wink:

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I usually respond to hey you IRL… so I’d be like:


These forum bullies have been throwing crap at me for along time.
That “just kidding again” vidio is just my little joke because these people keep saying I’m a computer. Has it gotten to the point that after being attacked incessantly a forum member can’t throw back a little at the attackers?

And making that anology to my little joke is like me being similar to a racist is just plain horrible.

I’m not entirely sure that embracing their suggestions that you are AI, by occassionally acting like AI is throwing anything back at the attacker.

It’s a relatable comparison that people understand. It’s not implying that you are a racist. Let’s see what would be a more altruistic analogy? None are coming to mind at the moment, which is sad.

Maybe a WoW analogy? Swearing up and down you’re not a gnome punter, then walking around Mechagon and punting gnomes, then blurting out, “Just Kidding!” as they fly through the air?

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So the forum bullies can do whatever they want to anyone they want to but the rest of us can’t even make a little joke. This is getting insane.

Makes me feel totally reistreicted like being at a school or office where the principle or boss tells you "the bullies here can attack you and mess with you all they want. But you cannot defend yourself because if you do you will be expelled or fired.

Great just great.

I think you can defend yourself just fine and you often do. But I also think that playing into the AI as a side joke simply doesn’t have the effect you imagine it should.

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I don’t use add ons, but there are some that should be integrated in to the game Like map coordinates . Some ideas like voice chat have.
You just never know when somebody is going to invent the next best thing , so I would let them keep making them.