What if Blizzard Banned The Use of Add-Ons

I’d rather they ban players who spam the same topics over and over


Oh this mess again.

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The game would die in full honsty. The number of players would quit by the droves as they can’t have their own special customizations. A good number of high-tier players would be forced to learn the game instead of having WA’s and such do it for them.

They would have to also fix the fact that a good number of “high-tiers/pros” are using 3rd-party anti-interference software that reads the games code and tells them when stuff is going to happen, where to stand, and what to cast. It has been caught on some streamers screens when they fail to exit properly.

Good luck finding many players that are pure click or just use basic keybinds to play or a hybrid of basic key binds/click… most have like 50 keybinds for anything and everything and have to have everything tied together

It sounds like Btags might be incoming on the forums, thus alt sock puppet flagging will be a more noticeable and actionable offense. There will be a real, tangible risk for overusing/abusing the flag button, which has been a necessity for a long time here. Also, I see they 404ed your full thread on the no-button idea. I wouldn’t be surprised if this gets wiped soon too, since it’s essentially a repeat of that content buried a little deeper in this post history.

I hope Btags are coming soon. That would help with both trolling and flagging abuse.


You really think Blizzard can’t tell when 1 player on multiple characters flags the same post?

Maybe they can but they don’t seem to care.

Nope. I think they’re well aware. But if we can’t tell who’s targeting us, it makes it less plausible we have evidence to pressure them to take any action.

Many people would quit the game.

Without addons I would absolutely quit.

It only takes a handful of reports to get a post grayed out, so it’s probably less that they don’t care and more likely that it’s rare to get a post grayed out by 1 player repeatedly reporting it.

It would kill the community, simply put no one would be playing anymore in upper end content. The only ones that would play would be the ones that don’t use them already, or already know the fights enough to make do without them. Otherwise it’s a case of it would be a massive nerf to the game, and no one would want to play because of that.

Regardless Btags would fix the problem it should be limited to 1 flag per post per account.

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I agree, pretty sure blizzard probably could have figured out a way to do that by now, even without displaying btags

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Maybe but it might not be as easy as it seems since the forums use Discourse instead of software created by Blizzard.

shhh don’t tell people that . Don’t you know the game dev team does the forums and any changes will cost us a raid tier .

I mean that is what our friendly antis form another thread want us to think

Now on a lighter less sarcastic note . I wish I could wear both my eye patch and pirate hat at the same time.

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What if Grandma had ba…


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Wiped for what? I have gotten fed up with these petty forum member dictators who spend 24 hours a day just attacking anyone they don’t like for what ever reason they can think of.

Just mean spirited bitter people. One of these keeps saying I made a topic that was made already about the same subject posted by other people in the past. Yeah maybe because I didn’t know it was talked about before. Yeah, so what? SO WHAT!? Just don’t read it then.
If people think I’m a troll. Don’t read my threads, put me on ignore. Don’t post in my threads if I offend them so much. Go read any other post. Why hit the flag button on me? Just to feel powerful knowing I can’t fight back?

these same people have been flagging my post for months. Just dogging me. These same flagged posts have been reinstated by the mods. Which means I was doing nothing wrong.

So what’s the problem here. Are we to let these flagging happy people continue to try to suppress another forum member because they don’t like them?

This is my original post for this thread:
“Suppose Blizzard decided to unilaterally Ban / Prohibit the use of Add-Ons in it’s games including World of Warcraft? What reaction would you have? And what do you think the
impact of such a decision would have on game-play and the player community?”

How is that a flaggable offense. Seriously I ask you how is that?

PS: In all the time I have been visiting the forums I have never flagged another poster.
If I did not like an OP’s Post I just stop reading it and read another topic thread. There are people in this thread that constantly attack me by making false accusations and derailing my thread if they can. If they can’t then they flag it. You will know them by the way the leave replies. These replies do not address the topic of the thread, instead they say things like: “Oh another of these threads”. “This is a troll.” Another GPTbot thread"
etc. They usually appear in seconds after I post a topic thread.

Gets to be a really annoying and frustrating situation. I have seen this type of attacks on other posters these people dislike.

Threads like these are troll threads. Anyone who’s been on the forums very much at all knows exactly what type of reaction certain topics like this one are going to get which is why they make them to stir things up. At the very minimum they are spam.