What if Blizzard Banned The Use of Add-Ons

Plus lvl 10 Classic Human Paladin pretty standard choice for trolls.

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I would definitely make a troll character to troll. It just seems like a missed opportunity, doesn’t it?

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Besides Btags I would like to see cross-posting between Classic and Retail restricted.

Ok well I believe you are trying help me. So fine I’ll stop with my little joke. But that just caps the restrictive nature which seems to be one sided in support for the cat and mouse troublemakers.

At this point all I can do is make topic posts. And just sit back not reply at all in my own posts. Just read the replies. Or just stop posting in the forum period. Which I think I’ll do
Because I hate the feeling of being attacked by abusive jerks and not be able to give their crap right back at them.

Let’s just give bans to everyone complaining about addons. It’s been allowed and some of modern UI improvement from Blizzard came from addons at one time or other such as Gearscore.


Again, I think you address forum members with rebuttals just fine. The attacks they post towards you might even minimize if there was less overall emphasis on AI, generated content or jokes about AI as a whole. But that’s just a guess, there’s no certainty what’ll happen moving forward.

Thank you Shadowvixyn. I appreciate your sympathy and advice. I do appreciate it very much.

But I’m done with posting on the forums. Thanks for the kind understanding.

Goodbye my friend. May you live long and prosper. :slightly_smiling_face:

Same to you. Best of luck out there!

That’s because they are trying to make their own vs just working with the addon creators. (which is what they SHOULD be doing)

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They very much worked with the creators of rio when they made M+ score, it didn’t help.