What if Blizzard Banned The Use of Add-Ons

Suppose Blizzard decided to unilaterally Ban / Prohibit the use of Add-Ons in it’s games including World of Warcraft? What reaction would you have? And what do you think the
impact of such a decision would have on game-play and the player community?



I find it hard to do that at this point, given that the current President of Blizzard is a player himself.

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Can we ban really bad trolls first?? :crossed_fingers:


I would stop playing. I am an RPer, and RP in down times like now. If I couldn’t have my RP addons, I would go to other places that have means for me to RP.


Haven’t you already made like 3 threads about this in the past week?


Is is Trolling just to post something that a person doesn’t like? By the rules of the forum, Trolling is extraneous, inflammatory or upsetting. All I see is someone asking a question. Sure it’s been asked any number of times before, but it doesnt take much reading to find many, many posts made on topics posted before.

I may not agree with it but trolling…I suppose there is a slight chance people would become nasty about it, so it could be called inflammatory. Then again, don’t take much to get people ‘fired’ up over things here…

Edit: I just remembered, the OP has indeed posted on this sort of topic previously. So there is certainly a degree of spamming going on.


Hello Kneeshooter. I’m just fascinated by the topic and want to learn what people think of the various aspects of the subject. I hope that is allowed.

This definitely fits that definition. Anybody who posts this nonsense knows exactly the reaction they’re going to get… that’s why they do it to stir up trouble AKA “inflammatory”.

Most things that aren’t banned by the forum Code of Conduct are ‘allowed’. Just expect being roasted if you spam topics you have previously posted on. After all, you can always add questions to an earlier post rather than create an entirely new one just to ask that question.

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They also do a lot of bad faith “leading question” type things where they pretend they just want a conversation when actually they’re only looking to push their “addons are bad and blizzard should ban them” vendetta.

Like if that’s you’re opinion, have at it, but don’t pretend it’s not your opinion from the get go lmao


Seems very similar to this topic… Why ponder such? It’s part of the game.

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I can see that point.

In my case, I love the design option of player housing and enjoy discussing it. However, if I created multiple posts on some aspect of that, it could be seen as spamming. It’s something that can be difficult to define. It can also be fairly ‘in your face’ obvious.


I’d cry. I don’t use anything heavy, but my ocd and perfectionist nature… I have to see my damage. So meters are a must.
Everything else I use are just super light quality of life addons like spam filters, things to track stuff across my alts, auto repair/auto sell greys… Things like that.

The community on the other hand, a lot would quit. Unfortunately the game has gone too long WITH addons, you can’t cold turkey over night. Blizz would have to slowly start phasing them out by either blocking them or incorporating them INTO wow itself.

Which honestly they should have done years ago. Ban stuff like weak auras. Incorporate the ui modification type, meters, filters and stuff into the game. Completely kill the need/want for addons.

Addons have been around since prior to the launch of the game. They are a staple that is fully supported by all levels of WoW Development and are vital to the game whether you like it or not. By allowing for a controlled source of second and third party UI development, they can focus their manpower to where it needs to go and not on the little things.

To answer your question: I don’t have a reaction because there won’t be a reaction. Yes some addons can and have been banned in the past. I don’t use, never have, nor will eever use the ones that hover around the grey line of what is or isn’t allowed. Even then, Blizz has open dialogs to the developers and gives them time to fix their code to be within their policies.

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I like discussing player housing too I just wish some people wouldn’t go ballistic over something they would even have to participate in. Or start with the same tired nonsense of “Garrisons are Player Housing”.


you guys know he’s trolling posting chat gpt generated nonsense right


Garrisons are POORLY designed player housing* :wink:

I gave my edits to this system in another thread which would turn it into actual good player housing for current game.

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It would probably force me towards one of those private servers to RP on.

I’d still be able to clear content just fine without add-ons but RP without add-ons is pain.