What if Blizzard Banned The Use of Add-Ons

The garrison had a set of plot sizes (small, medium and large) onto which you could place a specific set of buildings, which only fitted certain sizes. Player housing is, as the other commenter said, a blank template which allows you to add furniture, paintings, rugs, decorations, etc from a generally enormous range of items, depending on how the specific game works.

In ESO for example, items drop from mobs, group activities, chests, fishing and also from crafting, and they have different levels of quality. Its entirely cosmetic and serves no active game purpose (unlike garrison buildings) and its done simply for its artistic and very casual interests. It is so so completely different to how garrisons works, it the literal ‘chalk and cheese’ difference.

And I love how my casual inclusion of the words “player housing” into this post generated the usual stream of anti- and pro- player housing comments. Not so much a dereail as a completely new track on the trainline.

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Like I said a few posts up I just made a simple reply to you and it kinda snowballed from there. :rofl:

What if Blizzard didnt block me from seeing the original post because jhonny awesome got offended and flagged it, so I could participate in the discussions???

What if…

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Most people here are sensitive about something. If not this subject, then its flying, if not flying, then its portals, if not portals then, then then. Blizzard has created a very interesting sequence. They are aware people have opinions, when people voice their opinions, they firstly call it hyperbole. When it is brought up by someone else, they consider it inflammatory, thusly giving them an avenue to stop people from discussing it because they don’t actually have an answer or a fitting solution that will sate a majority of people. Ah wait, I remember you. Well, I am not going to delete this since I have already written it, but all I expect from you, being one of said people, is a half-hearted attempt to debate something with no real fuel, anyhow there it is for others to read as well.

Coding-wise, they could probably ban combat related ones while leaving crafting, RP, accounting, and other non-combat addons intact.

What if you didn’t keep recycling old asked and answered questions?

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addons shouldnt be allowed i agree.

Posting in an ai thread :crazy_face: :popcorn:

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Neither should troll posts yet here we are. :person_gesturing_no:

Not enough :popcorn: but I’ll share.


Jeez, can’t even see the body of the post with the new forum changes. Fix yo forums, Blizzard.



with no addons in the game we can see for now who are the real GOOD players in MYthic + and Raid without a assist!!

Blizzard didn’t do it. It was an update to Discourse. But yeah it needs to be fixed.

I thought it might be a serious discussion here on speculation.
But then I saw who the original poster was.
I can’t even see the first post anymore.
But I guess, I am here for the ride now.
Popcorn anyone?

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When did they change it so that flagged posts are not just minimized but completely hidden? I think thats a really bad move with the amount of false flagging that goes on here.

So going from just the title I would say I would probably quit. I can’t stand the look of the base UI and not being able to modify it would drive me nuts. I also like things like ATT as they give me a list of things to do when I’m solo and bored, I really don’t want to have to go look up things and cross reference it with often poorly tracked achievements. I would rather just have that info right there in game.



It was changed yesterday in a Discourse update. And yes a VERY bad idea.


The game has become too complicated to play effectively without addons. Addons just allow Blizzard to not have to further develop their UI. They also gives us a lot of freedom to choose what our UI looks like and how it works.

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What if troll spam accounts got permbanned from the forums?

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This constant Flagging by a small group of forum members or probably one person using multiple Alts against other forum members posts has gotten ridiculous and grown to an abusive state. By the way this is done, usually because the flagger didn’t like the OP’s post or in many cases just for laughs is just
malicious. The Flagger either uses a number of their Alternate characters or their friends to act in concert with each other to essentially Gank the OP. Silencing the post. Which at some point has to be unsilenced again by a moderator.

The effect is that the forum members to some extent are intimidated to post anything. This is something that the Moderators should look into and try to correct. Since the result is a defecto dictatorship by a few against the majority of the forum members. These flaggers attempt to antagonize and intimidate other forum members in an effort to illegitimately control the dialog of other forum members.

The forum already has Official Forum Moderators who are Blizzard Employees who’s sole function is to decide what is allowed and what is not.

I would recommend that the forum moderators remove the Flagging Button altogether
because there is way too much abuse going on with it.

Most of you long time forum members know that this is the case. And so do the forum

Add-ons and macros are for cheaters. Unless you have a disability, you should learn to play as the game was designed.