What if Blizzard Banned The Use of Add-Ons

Well this is new. Flagging a post now not only hides it but now the “show post” link has been removed. So now it is impossible to actually view what was written. Not even via someone else’s quote.


Wow I didn’t notice that until you said something. That’s an odd change.

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In EverQuest you had plots. But you could do whatever you wanted in the plots. The house itself wasnt having to be situation in a specific spot.

The creativity comes with using standard items in a non standard way. Dont get me wrong, making a traditional house is cool too.

But you could place items (visually) wherever you wanted. rotated, etc. You could display weapons, shields, etc. I would often make a disco room, for example.

It was more than just making traditional houses.

Yes, that’s the whole point. The locations may be static, but there is more than 1 location to chose from.

No, not placing different buildings. Literally a single blank building you can go inside and place housing items where ever in the house you want. Not “You can place a buildings in these specific places”, but a “Here is an empty building, throw your items where ever you feel like.”

Because this isn’t a housing thread. I simply replied to Kneeshooter that I like discussing housing and the usual problems with those threads had and it snowballed into this useless debate. Not saying I not to blame for that too.

But it is still better than the original topic. :rofl:

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I dunno. I’d want a step further.

That option but also " here are walls and floor and ceilings…make your own building"

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I mean, that’s a different question, I’m just pointing out what every game that has a player housing system has in common.

To various degrees I suppose. In EverQuest while I played it there were extremely few premade houses to place. Only like a couple period. Designing your own was the standard.

But yeah. I would suppose that is a more common theme. I just wouldnt want it to be streamlined to only allow for that.

That’s weird… I flagged the OP and it’s not even hidden for me.

Correction I reloaded the page and now it’s exactly like you said.

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Truest true that every trued :joy:

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Omg I haven’t watched that movie in forever.

That movie string was so good.

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Comes into the thread complaining about someone doing something against the rules, and immediately does something against the rules.


It was flagged for trolling which is exactly what it is.

Then if you truly believe that the OP is a troll why in hades are you posting and reposting on the OP’s thread?

I’m slow today I didn’t realize what that was from now I may have to rewatch it tonight.

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:beers: everyone has to down a drink. Thems the rules.

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I would have to quit and take my business else where.

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