What if Blizzard Banned The Use of Add-Ons

What if Blizzard Banned The Use of Add-Ons

I didnt use addons for like a year or two. Id survive.
Never gonna happen.
Addon creators do the work blizzard doesnt want to do

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No no. You said I was wrong. Its YOUR job to prove your point and convince me. Not the other way around. That’s not how that works.
You can’t uno reverse your way into arguments like that lol.

I refuse to expand my point, because you have said ANYTHING on yours other than it’s not because it’s not :joy:

By arthas, what in the semantics are we arguing right now? Come back when you have an opinion with some meat and potatoes behind it.

There is an inn :grinning:
And as far as I know, you can’t sleep in any bed in wow. So that would fit the rp needs, if need be.

An inn is a business, not a home.

Where is a bed that you, the player, own?

That kinda seems like the most basic qualification for a “house”.

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Yep! This is at least the sixth time they’ve posted this topic to get a rise out if people. It’s what they do. And 90% of them are ChatGPT generated.

Interestingly, I can no longer unhide a hidden post to read it. So I can’t even read this one now that it’s flagged.

As I said, it’s very limited :joy:

I mean they’re great for what they are, which is modular player forts.

They aren’t even in the right category for housing, which was previous posters’ point.

Fixed that for you.

See this is why opinions exist.
We can agree to disagree :wink:

Y’all are just looking at the ‘house’, I’m looking at the whole picture.

I should start a thread on this :joy:
I didn’t mean to derail this.

This is like…what.

Multiple threads about this by the OP.

Even more already active.

Derailing this thread is better than its original topic tbh.


I don’t know. I think a thread title of “Garrisons were player housing, change my mind” would make GD mald. I might be here for it. Still deciding rofl.

No disagreement just facts. If you think Garrisons are housing then you don’t understand what actual Player Housing is.

And this is what almost every housing thread turns into instead of something constructive that might encourage Blizzard to work more on real Player Housing. :person_gesturing_no:

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Total Role Play 3 (TRP3) It lets you make a more in-depth description of your character. And lets you have a different race, class and such for your character than in game.

There’s Emote Splitter that makes it so you can type more than one Blizz paragraph at once, for those longer emotes/messages. It’s nice. I use this one on non RP toons as well.

There’s misspell since I cannot type lol I use this on non RP toons as well.

There’s Cross RP, which lets you see profiles on other factions and servers. Also reminds you to refresh your Elixir of Tongues if you’re RPing cross-faction without a group. I only have this on RP toons.

Listener is nice for when you’re in the city or at an event with a lot of people. If you hover over someone or target someone, it shows you what they have posted. It also alerts you if someone emotes at you or says your name in an emote. Super handy for not getting emotes lost. You can also set it to not show when in combat to free up your screen. I only have this on RP toons.

Elephant is also a good chat log addon, I personally double up on it with Listener but you don’t need to. I use this one on non RP toons as well.

WIM(wow instant messenger) Is nice for keeping my whispers separate but also not needed. I use this one on non RP toons as well.

I think that’s all of them but I might be missing one.


No you’re missing the whole picture because as I said before, anyone who thinks garrisons are player housing have clearly only ever played WoW.

Literally every other game with player housing meets 2 common factors that WoW doesn’t meet.

  1. Multiple locations for players to put their houses.
  2. A 100% blank template of a house that can be filled in with items acquired in the game.

Garrisons are a cheap mobile game at best.

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Would garrisons be player housing or playing housingS.

Emphasis on plural.

Since like. You had a bunch of buildings.

Garrisons was more like a low level sim city/city planner.

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So this is just your entire shtick now eh?

Why be a real person when you can just be a nuisance instead and get the attention you crave

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Much Much Better. :rofl: :beers:

Plus I doubt ChatGPT cares.

WoW players would cry

I already don’t use them. But if you do or do not use them then that is up to you.

Then why are we debating semantics rather talk on improvements or actual ideas?

Yes and no. Locations are always static. Yes, they have multiple locations that houses CAN be built, they are more often than not, static.

So like… a blank template to build whichever buildings fit your needs? Show off archeology finds? Music reels you discovered? Meta achievement accomplishments? Pet corral for your favorite pets?

I don’t know, I feel like you are proving my point further.

But I am tired of arguing these pointless semantics and would rather discuss what we could have in current game or future xpacs. That seems like a way more constructive direction, as Cayna said.