What if Blizzard Banned The Use of Add-Ons

Those players aren’t worth taking seriously, because they’ve clearly never played anything but wow and wouldn’t know actual player housing if it smack them in the face.

As to the question though, Blizzard isn’t going to remove addons and many addons have useful functions beyond the raiding, dungeons, pvp, gold making scene. So in short, addons are fine and they aren’t going anywhere so the OP is a stupid question.

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Garrisons are not even poorly designed player housing.

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It’s definitely a form of player housing. Location and implementation were really bad so most have a negative opinion of them.

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That’s one of the reasons I said "Can we ban really bad trolls first??'.

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It definitely is not a form of player housing.

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Cool, you said it twice, can you expand on that thought please?

Not sure what’s more to expand on. Garrisons are not player housing, not even a bad version of player housing.

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Great argument! It’s not because it’s not. :+1:

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What a rebuttal, you’ve convinced me of your side…

what if you stopped making these dumb threads?


That’s not my job. You said I was wrong and failed to expand on it at all. The ball is in your court, not mine.


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Why does this type of stuff ALWAYS come from a HMP? Why?

Unlike other people where if X doesnt affect them they do not care and tell you to suck it up if it happens I am not like that.

If blizzard removed addons I( myself would not be as upset about it as others however i would still stand with the affected for them to stay.

Actually they aren’t. They might be able to be used as a kind of template for actual housing. But as they exist now they’re the equivalent of an office where you go to work.

What RP add-ons do you use? I may have to check them out. :slight_smile:

What do you expect me to do? Prove the negative for you? Crying about “not expanding” on a point that clearly doesn’t need expanding on isn’t really going to get anywhere. Clear as crystal. There is nothing about them that is player housing. Zip, zilch, nada.


If you look at them as a whole, the entire garrison is the “house”. You change your buildings to fit your needs, customize certain things.
Granted it’s very limited, it’s still a TYPE of player housing.

Well when you say someone is wrong… you usually xyz for a reason. Not it’s wrong because it’s wrong, like you are doing.

Asking you to expand on something is crying? You must be a joy at parties huh? :joy:

If you don’t want to debate, don’t reply. Simple.

I’ve said all I need to say on the topic. Garrisons are not player housing in any way shape or form. If you want to convince me otherwise, maybe try actually saying something rather than being like “you need to expand on your point”. But no, you don’t want to because you know you have no way to actually make a convincing argument that they are. But good luck in the future.

Where’s the bed?


The main thing about addons is that they make it difficult to do the fight normally because the fight was designed with addons in mind. FFXIV I think does a better job choreographing their encounters and the timings are pretty tight for them as well.

Both of these have their pros and cons design wise.