What if Blizzard announed that this was the last WoW expansion?

Give a sigh of relief. It’s about time, to be honest. Past time, if we’re being really honest.

I’ve got my eye on some games down the road. I’ll be fine.

honestly. i would be really excited. they started off with an incredible game… and then proceeded to make it worse and worse and now were at this point. some 15 years later. SO, maybe they would use it as an opportunity to get back to their roots and back to making a quality game. i only play this now to give myself a break from my day for an hour. its become incredibly unfulfilling

I’d just jump to a new one. Not like WoW was my first or even close to my favourite.

My good times in WoW have come and gone already so it wouldn’t phase me a bit tbh.

Would I pick up another MMO? Maybe very casually, if that. More likely stick with FPS or RPG games.

Cut my raid days on here down to 2, start raiding in FFXIV.

Once the last content patch comes out, unsub. Maybe go swtor main again, or ffxiv, or just give up on moms. Idk.

I would not be surprised. I would not be very upset. I might even be relieved. I would play classic though, then, I would never play another mmo and would be better for it.

Yes I plan on race changing when I get them unlocked.

Well the you may as well call yourself an elf Mr. troll.

The different Dwarven clans are separate in the same sense that the Blood Elves and Night Elves and now Void Elves are. There has been generations of diversity between them. Highborne and Night Elves, High Elves to Blood Elves to Void Elves.

There really is no genetic diversity between Blood Elves and High Elves. Blood Elves are so in name only. Like the different Pandaren secs that picked either Horde or Alliance. They are still the same people they were on Pandaria or the wandering Isles. Nothing has changed besides allegiances and maybe ideals.

Probably just retire from online gaming. Would I be disappointed? sure. But nothing lasts forever, and I will retire from online gaming eventually anyway.

I’d be fine.
I used to think I really needed this game in my daily like but after not playing almost 3 months now. I’ll be fine

blizzard better announce wow will be free to play if it is or rip wow.

It’d be better to just let it die as a sub mmo, but I wouldn’t put it past the new Blizzard to milk it even further. I won’t touch it if it goes f2p.

I would instantly stop playing it. I have very little interest in the game now, and this expac is garbage. I’d just stop now and use that FF14 gametime someone gifted to me and never look back until wrath servers are released.

they will make it free to play and flood it with microtransactions at some point.

thats the fate of all dying mmo that have gone f2p.

I will hit the gym again and forget the games …they aren’t worth it in the long run

I guess i’d be done playing

Moot, since they can’t.

It had record pre-order/initial sales. There is no way there will not be another expansion.

If everyone at Blizzard proper, just packed up tomorrow and then left, Activision would have new development people there pretty fast. At first people would freak, but how much WORSE could an expansion be than this one? It might even be a better one!

So don’t worry, this thing is here to stay. I may out last us, or certainly me at 52.

I honestly have years of content to finish from older expansions. Well maybe not years, but I could probably push it for a full year before getting bored.

I would be brokenhearted, honestly, there could be tears or something not really, at this point I could really give a fat, stinking turd. The current dev team has ruined WoW so much that at this point ending the game for good would be considered a mercy.

Semper Fi!


Unsub now because nothing better for wow will come out till classic, so raiding doesn’t matter.