What if Blizzard announed that this was the last WoW expansion?

Finish it and wait for the shut down.

I’ll reluctantly go back to FF14. I played for a bit but couldn’t get into my character. The humans with animal ears are just silly to me.

TERA was good until it got a bit too lollie pedo for me, but I still log in to use the Pegasus Platform, I love that thing.

Play the remainder of its content for all its worth, then play it on single player basically when the emulators catch up. Probably would switch to ESO, or go back to swtor, or play swg on emulator again.

Im having hard time playing wow now. kids got me this hand held game with 300 games on it. It pretty fun. Plus it has a very good size screen for eyes.

Already have mostly moved on to ESO, played FF14 for quite a while but just could not stay with it even after reaching max level and doing some end game as a healer. Beautiful game but far too group focused in the story progression.
This latest wow expansion has just turned me off and I only have one toon at max and have not even finished out reps and pathfinder 1, previous expansions I would already have 6 or 7 toons at max and pathfinder 1 completed a long time ago.

The last expansion?! Nooooo! All those unfinished RPs I was having in Goldshire…er, I mean uh…all that raiding I still have left to do…


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very few are lately.i dont like mobile games and thats where these companies seam to want to go.

But all my forum friends :frowning:


Find another game, the strength of the genre is the persistent world, if that goes what’s the point.

Start trying other MMO’s immediately, since there would be no point in continuing this one (as if there is now… )

Last expansion i’d put my characters where I had the most enjoyable moments in wow. Example my DK in Acherus in Eastern Plaguelands cause of the nostalgia. Than unsub and remove bnet from my computer. And focus a lot more on real life.

I’d try FFXIV out and if I didn’t like it, I’d go to Gw2 and ESO.