What if Blizzard announed that this was the last WoW expansion?

What would you do? Finish it out? Look forward towards classic? Find a different MMO to play?

I would most likely just swap to classic and sub when I get the MMO itch.

Never pick up an mmorpg again.


Never pick up a Blizzard/Activision game again.


Find an AAA group but for WoW so I can finally be free of this curse.


Put Buzzard game in the trashcan, along with Ubisoft and EA titles.

Trash company.


Gotta agree, every expansion now seems to be getting worse and worse, sometimes better to quit while ahead lol

Prob go to ff14 like all my friends that quit wow cause of Legion.


Probably move on from WoW. BfA class design and Azerite armor forever?

No thanks lol


I would probably finish it out. Then I would get sad because there really isn’t a good mmorpg to go to.

I’m not really planing on finishing it anyway, regardless of whether there’s another one after this.


Happily finish it out and retire the character knowing it was a good run with a disappointing ending. Sadly there are many book series and movie series that ended up that way. WoW is no different.


I would just simply move on and continue to enjoy FFXIV.

I would be disappointed but honestly the way this game is going, I really feel like I wouldn’t miss a whole lot. While I do enjoy the game, I am just not attached to WoW like I used to be.


Come to GD of course! One last dip in the cesspool for old times sake. Also to read about how Blizzard can’t even cancel their game properly. :weary::weary::weary::100::100::100::ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand:


You had a bunch of people quit WoW because of Legion? That surprises me, I thought Legion was great. Certainly leagues better than WoD and better than BfA too!


MMO wise, I’d have more time and money to spend on FFXIV or maybe check how ESO is going. I definitely wouldn’t spend as much time on them or any other mmo as I have on WoW though. Already invested too much time on it, I don’t want to do that all over again. No interest in vanilla WoW.


High Elves will save WoW tbh

Finish it out…
will probably be a hell of a GM directed party at the end for various realms.

For a game that is the culmination of a decade and a half of creative expression and you hand over the powers to a few GM’s and say the world is over the next day, it’s going to be a hell of a party.

I’d finish it out and work on completing my pet and mount wishlists. keep playing trying for personal completion until servers shut down.

it would no longer be priority, though, I’d probably go to FFXIV full time.

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Well, first I’d play WoW as much as possible before it ended, and pay my respects to the game that I’ve spent the most money and time on.

After that, I’d sub to ff14 and maybe re-download SWTOR and ESO. Basically, I’d find another MMO to try and get into.

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WoD raiding and end game content owned Legion…, in Legion you weren’t viable unless you got BiS Legendaries, it literally ruined everything, if you didn’t luck out you didn’t get picked to do most of the content… unless you play “Casual”… and even then some PuGs where picky… and don’t get me started on Mythic+

I’m sorry but to think a expansion that literally based itself on RNG and farming legendary levels to do some content is ridiculous and if you think that’s good theirs something wrong with you sista haha

Can only join raid if weapon 52 levels lol


No… no…
They would somehow screw that up as well. I mean Blood Elves are High Elves.

“No they are not.” -

Yes, yes they are. In the lore there is no difference between them and High Elves other than possible faction an eye color. You may as well say Pandaren are not the same Pandaren because they picked a side and are no longer neutral. You would be partially right in that each sect of Pandaren that chose a side are separate from those that chose the other. However in truth they are all still Pandaren. Genetically they are still all the same race no matter whom they identify as allies.