What if Blizzard announed that this was the last WoW expansion?

Id probably be done with games and become a potato when not at work :potato:

I guess it depends on whether theyā€™re just going to let it rot, like Classic, or kill it off completely and shut down the servers.

Or, if they were going to say ā€œLast expansion, servers alive for another 5 yearsā€. Then a year after the last patch, they could go through another consolidation round of merging realms (if thatā€™s even important any more with their cloud/shard tech). But after that, simply drop the sub fee. Pay for the a box set to get a key (if youā€™re new), and then just let it run, like D2/D3 etc. for the last 4 years of its life.

Then Iā€™d probably play off and on. Farm stuff maybe, whatever. But if the player base collapsed I certainly wouldnā€™t pay for it any more.

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Wouldnā€™t matter to me. I mean I guess I would miss Azeroth a little bit (just like I miss my other characters and the worlds of other MMOs I no longer play), but I wouldnā€™t be very hung up over it. FFXIV: Shadowbringers is right around the corner so that would just mean Iā€™d have even more time to dedicate to that.

Probably would just finish the expansion, wait until the servers closed and then uninstall the game. Would miss it, yes, but would be having more free time for more games.

Enjoy it until bored, doing something else until final day, then log in to say goodbye to my guildies. Then officially uninstall the game, and play something else.

What would be great, is if they created a game where all our toons could port over and not have to start from scratch if they did another MMO.

It would depend how they finished it off. If they decided to blow up the world or something, then obviously that limits your choices quite a bit.
If they dropped it back to caretaker mode, then Iā€™d move on I think.
If it ended up the way it is between expansions - like the six months before BfA launched - I could probably put up with that for a bit.

Same race. Sorry 'bout it!

I would be happy in a way. The direction of the game has taken anti community stance in exchange for maximum profits. In short, I am hoping someone else will takeover the game and remaster it to the community likings.

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Should get the box, says Blood Elvesā€¦ maybe game to old for you lol

I suspect that Iā€™ll be playing until the second they turn the servers off.

I wouldnā€™t care for the most part, considering Iā€™ve started playing FF14 and see how good an MMO can be when you have developers that care and deliver on what the community wants. I mean, the only things I login for is to play with Guildies, do my weekly +10, and Heroic and Mythic Raiding.

I really couldnā€™t care less if this was the end of WoW.

Sit and wait for WoW2.

Youā€™d have to be insane to toss away Wowā€™s fanbase. Thatā€™d be essentially burning millions of dollars a month.

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You forget that not everyone feels the need to be ā€œviableā€ in end game. I just enjoyed the content and some of the end game that I did, which is what I have done every single expac thus far (aside from Wrath). Content-wise, and with some of the features that were introduced (e.g. artifact weapons), I feel like it made Legion a great expac. One that I enjoyed, anyway.

I do. Just like I have the box of Vanilla.

But I also have Chronicles Vol III:

ā€œThe High Elves of Quelā€™thalas had suffered just as many losses as their neighbors to the south. Not only had the Death Knight Arthas Menethil left the once-beautiful lands a blighted graveyard, but he also tainted the Sunwell, the fount of arcane magic that was the beating heart of high elven society. Grieving for the decimation of their homeland, the high elves decided to call themselves Blood Elves in honor of their fallen people.ā€ - Page 87, Curse of the Blood Elves

Now where was it Blood Elves start out again? Oh yeahā€¦ Quelā€™thalas.

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I had considered WOW the last MMO Iā€™d ever play. If I quit WOW, I had planned on quitting the genre entirelyā€¦

Then FFXIV announced their new expansion and the addition of Blue Mage. That might get me back into that game.

Probably go back to console gaming again. Or play other PC Games like modded minecraft

Keep playing until the very end then with WOW done unsub and play my Xbox 360 again.

Iā€™m pretty sure the last expansion will be Return of the Lich King. The game would come full circle and end on a high note. Iā€™d be ready to set down my weapon and move on after that.

My dream would be for the lich to win and destroy the majority of the world setting up a WoW 2 in the future as the last survivors. Or just have us lose in the end and have it be game over. WoW should end in tragedy to teach us the sins of our bellicose ways.

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I would love another Lich King expansion!


Iā€™d play until it ended and then move on to another game. Already played Classic and I may wish to return in the future but that isnā€™t now.