What if Blizzard announed that this was the last WoW expansion?

Blizzard would never announce an expansion is the last before it is even fully released. It would drive a lot of players away knowing that there is nothing to look forward to. If anything people would probably migrate to Classic but I don’t see that lasting.

One major aspect that helped Blizzard thrive was goodwill from players. That’s been drying up pretty darn fast lately.


laughs in Dark Iron

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Thought the exact same… a dwarf is a dwarf no? Haha

Come on now, this is blizzard. That would never happen.

But if it did? Good. Maybe they’d improve content that already exists, such as altering the old world so it isn’t caught in the cataclysm’s destruction forever.

If it happened, well there’s still EVE.

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WOW wil live forever.


Legion was an awesome expansion and better than BfA, starting from day 1.

Tons of class specific content, quests, order halls, profession quests for primary and secondary professions, hidden achievements like the fishing pole, class mounts…

Literally none of the above exists today. The major selling points of the expansion are either lifeless (Islands, Warfronts) or too few in number to keep people interested (Allied Races).

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I would probably get sucked back into the console market of gaming and get to experience other stories :stuck_out_tongue:

I would probably play more of my console games as well as trying out
Final Fantasy XIV.

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Hey no one asked for all that crap, but blizzard knows what’s best for us am I right?.. I never said BFA was good either, I said WoD was better then Legion… BFA is a crap storm just as much as Legion…

And how they way they set up Legion with legendary luck and traits ruined it for many other casual gamers…

They’ve been a playable race since 2007.

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Look forward to WoW 2, obviously. That or go back to GW2.

Pretty sour note to end on if that were to be the case. Going out in a blaze of glory taking down Sargeras would’ve been a much better way to end the story than this dumpster fire.


And they’ll be playable again.

Finish out the game with the best gear I could get, then show up again only for the day they shut down the servers as a final farewell.

Then I’d keep playing FFXIV and Overwatch.

That’s funny I swear on the box it says Blood Elves not High Elves… yep… no mention of playable High Elves holding the box right in front of me…

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I know I’m in the minority here, but I’d be happy, in all honesty. I would get myself to level cap and then I would just enjoy what is left of the game until it becomes pointless to play due to the lack of other players. I don’t take the game too seriously, I only play it to escape the world and to have fun. Sometimes that just means flying around for hours and farming or taking in the scenery. But I’d be happy with this expansion because it reminds me of the excitement of when I first learned to play. To see the major cities full of so many players, and to run into so many others when you’re questing and leveling up (sometimes even teaming up together and helping each other)… this to me is what the game is about :slight_smile:

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SHHHHH! I’m still trying to fight my rock licking addiction.

I would be fine with that as long as they kept the servers up in perpetuity, or at least until the heat death of the observable universe.


Heck, I dunno. I’ve been playing a looong time, it’s virtually a conditioned response to immediately go to logon when I sit down at my PC. That’ll be a hard habit to break. I’m sure something would come along that would placate me, but nothing to feed my MMO itch.