What happened to Tirisfal?

Because Tirisfal wasn’t completely destroyed like Teldrassil was? Yet we left it anyway???



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Because you were forced to.

https ://wow gamepedia com/Lordamere_Lake_(mission)_(Horde)

“The Bloodfang Pack controls Fenris Isle. Create a distraction along the Misty Shore to lure them out of position, allowing Horde refugees to ESCAPE TIRISFAL across the water”.

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Anduin literally says “We have enough for one final assault, if that fails we’re done”, so they just straight up say the alliance is going to lose and they need the horde to do it. The alliance is on the verge of losing in 8.2.5

So let’s not pretend the alliance was in a position of strength in 8.2, they lost ever advantage they had and needed to rely on the horde just to fight part of the horde. Idiotic or not, that is how Blizzard is writing it.

I’m not going to pretend Org is defensible when you have airships as well as fire that can just burn down cities in a short amount of time. So that is BS in Warcraft, it’s defensible against medieval army charges, but not in this universe. It suggest this was their final assault, win or lose it was going to be decided here because the Alliance alone was not enough to fight the horde, they needed part of the horde after 8.2 just to fight the horde.

The alliance was losing before 8.1 and seemed on the verge of losing in 8.2 if they didn’t get the horde’s help to fight the horde. We don’t even know when they won Darkshore, since it seems it was only won after the treaty was finished in 8.3 judging by the timeline implementation.

I’ll agree with them having extremely weird math.

Done as in they have no more troops and are going to lose the war as Anduin says.

“We have enough for one final assault, if that fails, we’re done”

The alliance lost at undercity and took massive loses, they had to leave. We can’t go back to Teldrassil as it is just completely destroyed as a zone.

What of it? Saurfang didn’t form the rebellion in “Lost Honor”. The Horde characters like Lor’themar and Thaylssra that would join the rebellion didn’t know where Saurfang, Zekhan, and Thrall were until they showed up to save Baine, and didn’t join up with them until after Azshara’s defeat.

Everything indicates there was only one run of the Horde Darkshore Warfront and then one run of the Alliance Darkshore Warfront, and everything after was just gameplay, not lore.

The Army of the Black Moon, which won the Darkshore Warfront without Anduin’s support, was not at Theramore or Orgrimmar, so the Alliance had more troops than Anduin himself did.

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There were a ton of night elves there, just not Tyrande and however many are in the Black Moon unit. Tyrande couldn’t even handle Nathanos so if the alliance lost at Org, the remaining night elves would have been no threat to the horde as is how it usually goes.

Sure but again there were a ton of night elves, there was just a squad of night elves right in the front of Org. The Black Moon also had the help of the worgen, not to mention they could have even still been fighting in Darkshore and only won because the horde had a rebellion, as it doesn’t even conclude until into 8.3.

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Nathanos retreated how is that not handling

You know.
Anduin flat out admits he can’t win the war alone.

[quote=“Mara-kelthuzad, post:167, topic:426197”]
as it doesn’t even conclude until into 8.3.
[/quote] this is false it can’t end in 8.3 cause the faction war ended in 8.2.5

She failed to stop him from completing his mission and she needed Malfurion to save her from Nathanos and make him just retreat, she was unable to handle him herself.

In the timeline that is how it concludes, we don’t know when it ends and Tyrande wasn’t really happy about it anyway so she wasn’t going to listen to the treaty, perhaps at that point she thought she won because the horde just withdrew. It would be nice to know when it actually ended because right now it’s ending into 8.3.

Honey we know the faction war ended in 8.2.5 cause npcs say so even nelf ones so your wrong

This is absurd, the Alliance won in every front.

Also, in the loyalist horde questline, Nathanos states (during the second siege of orgrimmar) that the war was too costly and their ranks are too depleted, so he send you to recruit militias to resist the attack. The quest is called “Militia”.

The Horde had never more troops than the Alliance.


They won Darkshore in 8.3 after the Horde had ousted Sylvanas (or Sylvanas ousted herself) and the Horde had endeavored itself toward armistice with the Alliance.

Tell that to Anduin, the supreme leader of the alliance forces.

Lol how can they win in 8.3 when the war was over

None of the Night Elves at Orgrimmar were using the Night Warrior customization:

Nathanos “We will hold this ground” Blightcaller ran away from Darkshore with his tail between his legs without even being able to get a single hit on Tyrande or Malfurion in the Alliance questing.

Gilneans were part of the Army of the Black Moon, yes.

Everything indicates they won with the first run of the Alliance Darkshore Warfront, which was before the Horde rebellion happened.

I know that you falsely implied that the Horde had a rebellion before 8.2.


He doesn’t know the status of the horde lol

That’s my point. The night elves didn’t get their win cinematic until after the war ended.

You get the cinematic after you win a battle of darkshore which happened in 8.1

He knows the status of his army and how dire this situation is for the alliance. They are risking it all on this last attack, if they lose the alliance is “done”.

Yeah how does that mean he knows the status of the horde? He is missing a army and Sylvanas is recruiting a militia lol doesn’t look good for her

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