What happened to Tirisfal?

The nelves got Darkshore and Ashenvale back. The humies got the Arathi Highlands back. What happened to the Tirisfal Glades?


It’s a wasteland, but presumably will be under Forsaken control under their new leadership.

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it’s dead, jim


Who said something about Ashenvale?

Either way, in 8.3 the forsaken are returning to Tirisfal.


Only thing I remember hearing about it is the meeting with Calia and Derek happening there.

Last time I was in Tirisfal, there was some guy in a cowboy hat telling me I had to help settlements. Then he kept drawing on my map. It was very uncomfortable.

It is hard to say what’s really become of Tirisfal. Blight has, even by WoW standards, narrative consistency the way Bethesda releases bug free games.

It’s clearly a significant contamination. I assume the largest amount deployed at any one time- it certainly seems like more than Wrathgate, but actual lore vs. presentation likes to vary.

We have so little on Tirisfal. How far did the contamination spread in lore? To what extent is it lingering? Is it still spreading? Has it become inert? What type of strain was that?

Do the Forsaken have a presence there? To what extent do they mourn it? (I assume at least a fair number do, given the attitudes of the desolate council.)


This is another annoying side effect of the villain bat. The ways the story damaged the Forsaken are downplayed or dismissed and there’s less pressure to give them any kind of resolution. It still makes me sad that the Kor’kron, Outland Mag’har, and Dragonmaw Clan got left in a weird limbo after SoO (other than Zaela in UBRS). I’d love to see them all still exist within the Horde.


It feels like the players are being punished, as if Blizzard is like “Well, we made you do it, but you still did it. You’ve gotta be punished.”


Part of the issue is probably the lack of major NPC still tied to the place. Blizz likes to tell their stories through their race/faction leadership. It’s easy with Tyrande- she had her homeland shot out from under her, and she’s out to reclaim it.

With Tirisfal, we have Sylvanas and Nathanos. Well, they scorched-earth’d it themselves and peaced out to wage a war where they were mostly involved with the most terribad aspects with a bizarre ulterior motive. Then they swiped left on the rest of the Horde and took off to their secret moon base.

So since the stand in for the Forsaken as a whole poofed with no heir apparent, Blizz doesn’t have a vehicle to advance their story with.


They shouldn’t have killed Zelling. While he wouldn’t have been a good supreme leader, he’d be a believable member of what could become a council.


Big assumption. I’ve yet to even hear of the ‘Desolate council’ in game.


Tirisfal as of right now isn’t Blighted, the Blight hit only Undercity itself, meaning that the only damage to the zone as a whole was the path the Alliance carved through it, and the destruction of Brill.

Other than that, the Forsaken still seem to hold Hillsbrad, Silverpine, and Tirisfal, in addition to whatever chunks of Western Plaguelands they gained back in Cata.


From an ariel view the only undercity and the massive trench the alliance made are blighted, so I think it’s recoverable.

Of course blizzard will not give us a decent update to tirisfals situation for a long time, but hey, just got accept that and live with it.



Maybe. Alternatively it may simply be abandoned. There is really nothing of note there. The only thing it really offers is a place to build. And that is not something the Forsaken really need. With their loses there population is going to be fairly small compared to what they had. They have lost their method of raising new, at least for now. With some of their population staying in Orgrimmar, their EK population is going to be much smaller. Between Silverpine and Hillsbred it is likely they have more room than they need.

I would guess it is officially controlled by the Forsaken. But in practice it is just empty.

Ashenvale is a logical conclusion based on evidence. Nothing more. But there is significant reason to believe the Night Elves do control it.

See you say this. But the Forsaken have gotten more development this expac than the Night Elves. And they have set a lot of ground for the continued development.

Their development was what damaged them. I didn’t say they were stagnant throughout BfA. And if their continued development is having Calia, Derek, Voss, or undead night elves forced on them that would be more damage imo.




Probably nothing. It’s a blight scarred wasteland now, especially the capital city. Even the Forsaken can’t live in that.

Like, okay. I see what you’re saying. Just, the forsaken in previous expansions have only arrived as miniature Sylvanases with blight in tow. They weren’t characters. In this expansion, they were actually characters. Then Sylvanas and Malfurion hecked off and Zelling died. So, we have Amalia Stone, Lilian Voss, and I guess(?) Delaryn???

That’s it.

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Seems like only the part between the Undercity and the shore is actually destroyed.

Everything that wasn’t destroyed in the zone revamp is probably still there. And judging from the Calia questline, the Forsaken seem to be using Deathknell as some kind of meeting place, at least for now.

Personally, hoping the Forsaken just give up on the EK and move to Theramore.


Blame Sylvanas for ruining it. She didn’t have to drop the blight making it such a dirty, scummy wasteland. What a terrible leader for the Forsaken. She starts a pointless war and gets the Alliance to invade and then drops the blight all over Tirisfal ruining it that much more. So much for being pragmatic…