You’re mixing up Teldrassil and Darnassus.
I’m not. Tirisfal is Brill. The ruined town. Tirisfals closest equivalent would be dark shore.
No, that’s Dolanaar. Which also got wrecked permanently.
Do you not know wow geography?
Yes I do know wow geography. Claiming Tirisfal to be the equivalent of Teldrasil is insincere. Its only equivalent is undercity which is uninhabitable, currently.
No, both are starting zones.
No, Undercity’s equivalent is Darnassus, both are racial capital cities.
Good grief dude, learn the map.
Teldrasil is an extension of Darnassus, an equivalent extension which Undercity did not possess. But just keep carrying on. It seems to be your meme.
Uh, what? No, Darnassus is a settlement in Teldrassil. What in God’s name gave you the idea Teldrassil is part of Darnassus?
The closest equivalent to this we have is the Sunwell and… Yah. The Horde allows pilgrims from the Alliance to sojourn to the Sunwell so long as they aren’t covered in deadly void magic that threatens to corrupt it.
And the Sunwell is a fount of immense cosmic powers that acts as the life blood of the entire blood elven people. I’d say it is a lot more strategically valuable than Uther’s Tomb, yet Alliance are still allowed near it for sentimental reasons.
Yes because clearly we should only care about the strategic value of a place, not the themetic or cultural significance. Also why do you think a Massive Irradiated Crater is more strategically valuable then something that will let the horde keep its EK Holdings. Blizzard clearly isn’t doing the Red kalimdor Blue EK thing every seemed to obsess over so it’s probably smarter to keep the EK Race with a larhe amount of territory to protect and govern in the EK, IN THE EK!
That’s what’s happening in 8.3 during the Calia questline, she has a dialogue with Voss and a few others in Tirisfal.
The night elves are not getting Darnassus and Tedrassil back which is the equivalent of Undercity/Tirisfal. Why should the forsaken get it back? If anything Silverpine is the equivalent of Ashenvale/Darkshore and the Forsaken never lost it in the first place!
Oh and if we want to play the “the other faction got something I didnt” game then I submit the Alliance losses of Nethergarde, Darkshire, Theramore, Southshore etc. When are the Horde going to lose their equivalent!!
Setting aside the utter silliness of this extremist idea that everything has to be 1 for 1 and the absurd territory it gets into (Alliance loses 3+ characters to sudden onset villainitis, Mekkatorque dips off screen, Alliance destroys two Horde cities and one Horde starting zone, Alliance destroys one of their own cities and the Horde destroys the town closest to it, Stormwind becomes a raid and a bunch of NPCs are killed in it). The equivalent of Nethergarde was Okril’lon. Darkshire and Southshore are less clear but whatever let’s say Freewind Post, Camp Taraujo, Honor’s Stand, or Kargath. If everything has to be exactly even, that would require both factions losing a hell of a lot more, which I don’t think is something you want.
I like your posts a lot but I think if you expressed more sympathy for what undead fans and Horde fans lost (regardless of whether you see it as less than what night elves lost) you’d get a lot more support and agreement from undead fans and Horde fans. Blizzard only listens if enormous amounts of players complain in unison so it’s for the best to try to work together. At the end of the day, the players that wouldn’t retcon this expansion are mostly the ones salivating at the possibility of Sylvanas being a raid boss (regardless of how likely that is).
Completely disagree. Darnassus was the Night Elf home city. Undercity was the Forsaken home city.
Teldrassil was the Night Elf newbie ZONE. Tirisfal Glades is the Forsaken newbie zone.
The Horde took the Night Elves’ entire newbie zone, home city and all, away from them when they destroyed the tree. The entirely of Tirisfal, including the ruins of Lordaeron, is the equivalent.
Because the location has been described as strategically valuable on multiple locations. Because of where it’s located, and it’s suitability as a large port. That’s why the city was built there in the first place, and why Garrosh destroyed it.
Which is too bad, because that was clearly the best solution for long-term peace.
Yeah, they COULD keep them where they and the Worgen are inevitably going to cause the war to start up again. OR, move them to a place where they won’t be able to bother anyone.
If Jaina and some other mages could do what she did to clear the path in the blight in the battle of Lordearon, then why couldn’t mages get together and clear out blight in Lordearon for Calia and Derreck as new leaders of the forsaken?
what do you think Calia and Derek going to Tirisfal for? come on now…its pretty clear, at least to me.
and when strategy has been a problem for blizzard?
the horde shouldn’t be able to burn a magical living tree with intercontinentald catapults and here we are.
What bothers me is it’s not just destroyed - but destroyed in such a bizarre and half assed way.
Some of the areas are, as you’d expect, completely depopulated. But on the otherhand the Carlston Estate is lively. Complete with Gordo stomping around grabbing Gloom Weed for a likely dead Junior Apothecary Holland. Likewise Deathguard Dillinger is still blithely posted near Coldharth Manor - happy to give you directions to points of interest in Brill and the Undercity.
And my favorite is Silverpine where you see columns of Forsaken Troopers marching from the devastated Tirisfal. Simply jarring everytime I fly by it.
That is the entire point of OP, we got Darkshore and potentially Ashenvale back and that is suppose to mean the Horde should get Capital city too? Not wistanding the fact Tirisfal’s analog is Tedrassil.
The entire OP premise hinges on the need for 1 on 1. Dont lecture me, lecture him.