What happened to Tirisfal?

Poetry maybe, but only for the Horde to lose the most important city in the entire setting – which Blizzard appears (at least to conspiracists such as myself) to be building Anduin up to be the true heir of Lordaeron.

For the Alliance.

Candid question- did I miss something about Anduin and Lordaeron? I can’t imagine any scenario where the old capital city is “reclaimed”, save in the fever dreams of people who wish they could actually pick the Scarlet Crusade as a faction.



He sits like Arthas, looks like Arthas, repeats Arthas’s animations directly as he approaches Sylvanas to which she responds with a coy smile “Your father would be so proud.”, has his model REPLACED by Arthas during the cutscene with Saurfang in the tower.

There’s more, but I haven’t eaten so I’m spacing.

Ok, so it is meta-game/vague allusion stuff. Fair enough, not really my bag. I can’t say I really see it without some really… jarringly dramatic course changes.

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in Arthas they make time for Arthas to have visited Tiffyn during the correct time period to correlate, during which Varian is also not in Stormwind. He later returns to see Tiffyn and the wee baby Anduin after Anduin is born.


Heh, yeah, that’s clever. It’s just a little too “I don’t want them putting crystals in the water that turn the friggin’ merlocs lightforged!” for me.


What? Theramore is/was a Kul Tiran city. Lordaeron has no claim over it and in any case it matters very little if Calia and Derek are there. Turning a Horde warcrime into a blight infested hellhole will not help anyone.

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That night elf in high mountain…

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Lightforged Murlocs! the next Alliance allied race!

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I’m not a fan of that idea. I’ve always seen Stratholme as the Argent Crusade pet project. We’ve cleared it for them in Vanilla, and the updated Cataclysm had us finish it all for the Crusade, not the Forsaken. The Eastern Plaguelands should theoretically be owned entirely by the Argent Crusade at this point, with large pockets in the Western Plaguelands under their protection as well. Maybe they’re the first victims of the rampaging Scourge in Shadowlands and the Forsaken are finally unopposed in taking the rest of the Plaguelands.

I can see the Forsaken fortify Andorhol as their new racial capital. It also has historic significance as ground zero for the plague of undeath. Plus, they have a clear supply chain in the east through the Bulwark and the south through the river into Hillsbrad.

The point of conflict for Andorhol would probably be Uther’s Tomb. Would the Horde really allow pilgrims to gather in great numbers so close to Andorhol? How will the Light’s pilgrems get to Uther’s Tomb? It’s surround by Horde land. Do the Forsaken have an agreement with the Agents to let them pass unmolested as long as they’re being escorted by them?


Uh…we were talking about Theramore. The city Jaina founded. And last I checked, Garrosh’s last name isn’t Proudmoore.

It’s symbolic.

Calia and Derek are trying to help the Forsaken. Jaina supports Derek. Resettling Theramore gives the Forsaken a new beginning, and would redeem what Jaina sees as her greatest failure.

Mainly that it’s a huge chunk of strategically valuable real estate that’s going to waste that only the undead can realistically make use of.

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Oh yeah that’s great and when the Forsaken start desecrating it and disrespecting those who died there? They have no respect and should never go anywhere near Theramore.

Well if that remains the case then Calia and Derek suck at their jobs.


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You seem to have a high opinion of Calia and Derek’s ability to change an entrenched culture of sociopathic behaviour.

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I have a high opinion of Blizzard intentions for them to do that, so they’ll write it so they do, regardless of how realistic it is.

Blizzard wants Calia to be the Forsaken’s savior. So she probably will be.

maybe, but would he really be willing to exchange theramore for lordaeron?
because that is like trading gold for iron. and the gold is lordaeron.
theramore was literally made of lordaeron survivors.
hey, i would take it.

but i think that the best solution is to simply try to avoid getting lands or things that once belonged to one of the playable factions, it would only bring ruin.
if theramore is not rebuilded by the alliance then it should be forgotten.
viceversa with lordaeron. why? just to try to not make the playerbase even more angry.

Well, Theramore and the World Stump in exchange for Lordaeron and Gilneas would have been my preference.

Well that’s just pointless and wasteful. These are huge, important locations. They’re just supposed to be left to rot because…hypothetical hurt feelings?

Yes, pretty much.
i am sure that many will agree that they would rather not be conquered by the enemy so they can desecrate your stuff.

and lets be fair here, already a toon of big and even even bigger “important places” are left to rot.

sadly, i don’t think that is going to change anytime soon.
i am not seeing blizzard doing a world revamp or something like that.
they tried in cata and failed miserably.

Is that true? God I hope not, it’s not like Teldrassil is getting recolonized and it’s not like its population was evacuated in time. That would just seem to be a Richard move on Blizz’s part, rubbing salt in the wound with no sort of parity.

Do you have a source?

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Tirisfal is not the equivalent of Teldrasil, Undercity is.
2 cents

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