What happened to Tirisfal?

I’m pretty sure your wrong and reading more into it than is there.

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I too dont like long seiges against known crafty people whos army status is unknown to me

His line is pretty straight forward, it isn’t implied that the war will continue on any other fronts and this is a big gamble.

The Alliance has won in EVERY front. The Horde is using militias while the Alliance still not. And the Horde capital is being sieged. So how is the horde winning in your mind?


The Alliance only won Darkshore via the war ending.

Ask Blizzard, I don’t write this trash.

“Our sister is patient, she knows we have precious few soldiers left. While we lay siege to Orgrimmar she will whittle away our numbers” - Alleria right after that 8.2.5 cutscene.

You have Shaw and Nathanos saying the Alliance is winning in every front just after the Alliance wins in Dazar’Alore.

Steve Danuser, Lead Narrative Designer of Wow confirmed in the last blizzcon (before 8.3) that the Alliance had won both warfronts.

The Alliance won in Lordaeron.

The Alliance have won every major battle beetwen armies during a great war (w2, w4) against the Horde.

Just deal with it.


Is winning does not equate to “Has won.”

The fact is that the Alliance did not get their Darkshore cutscene until 8.3



Lol, even in the Vulpera recruitment questline the Horde doesnt have troops to defend Zandalar from a new invasion.

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And clearly he was demonstrating knowledge of events that had not been launched.

Which included the official victory of Darkshore occurring in 8.3

Lol someone that isnt in the horde knowing what the horde has

you need to read this

the war was over sweetie in 8.2.5

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Yes. And the Horde was still rounding up members of Sylvanas’s cult in 8.2.5.

Yeah and because it did that means darkshore was won at or before 8.2.5

That’s not true. Elsewise, they would’ve launched the cutscene – which had been finished over a year ago – in 8.2.5

Anduin knows the state of the alliance army, which is apparently in dire straights in 8.2.5 as also confirmed by Alleria “we have precious few soldiers left”, or Anduin “one final assault, if this fails we’re done”.

But maybe you’re right, maybe Anduin is just lying about what the state of the alliance is, I’m also sure that article talking about some dialogue from a drunk in a bar spinning some tall tale equates to all leaders in cutscenes just lying to trick the player.

Thats not how war works lol

he isnt lying you are talking about the dude who thinks one lost of life is too much, the dude who was worried the alliance couldnt handle three fronts, anduin is not a military genius

Sylvanas still had cultists who were active in 8.2.5 – including cultists who had evaded capture. Sylvanas Drones have always been 500% willing to sacrifice their own souls for their Queen. I don’t see why the Sylvanas drones wouldn’t keep fighting in Darkshore for Sylvanas to the bitter end.

Self preservation has never been the strong suit of the Sylvanas Drone.

So what about the orcs and trolls there, just cultists, the straws your going to say the alliance didnt defeat a horde army lol