What happened to Tirisfal?

You mean in the Warfront? Where they aren’t present at all???


There are no military geniuses in wow, the greatest “tactic” was having a large army turn left in WoT because apparently no one uses scouting. He’s as much of a “military genius” as Sylvanas, and he didn’t even know the forsaken used the plague.

But that isn’t even just coming from him Alleria says right after “Sylvanas knows we have precious few soldiers left”, the alliance was on the verge of winning to now having to risk it all WITH the horde rebellion so they can fight part of the horde in one final assault.

Someone didnt do alliance questing lol, what about all the npcs too, that say the war is over, even night warriors say that in 8.2.5 that the fighting is done and all thats left is to hunt sylvanas, hmmm oh so sylvanas is in darkshore in 8.3 I see soo weird.

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Yeah cause a old god is attacking, I think it would be hard to fight a old god and sylvanas at the same time you know

Someone didn’t read the interview they linked, lol.

The Scenario/quests were a stalemate. The Warfront was the victory.

yeah and the warfront happened in 8.1

And it did not end until 8.3

oh so you actually think its canon that every 2 weeks the horde and alliance met on the field like some football match lol LOL THE ALLIANCE AND HORDE JUST LET EACH OTHER BUILD A CASTLE ON THERE DOORSTEP LOL

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I think it’s canon that the war was a war and not a single battle.

yeah I think so too the battle of darkshore and highlands are single battles in that war

And you’re objectively wrong. Elsewise they would’ve released the finished cutscene forever ago. They released it in 8.3 instead.

you have to do a battle of darkshore to unlock it sweetie unless you literally think theres battles of darkshore going on in 8.3 lol

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She also says Sylvanas is in possession of the only army that could fight N’zoth, also implying the alliance isn’t strong enough even with the horde rebels. The alliance has very few soldiers left and really they had very few since the start of 8.1 as stated in the cinematic they were literally out of soldiers before the raid on Daz, which didn’t even kill horde soldiers, just Zandalari so the alliance could have a chance of winning by taking out their fleet, then the alliance fleet was just lost in 8.2.5 and they only had enough for one final assault.

This is the story Blizzard has written “alliance winning on all fronts” and then a patch later “we have enough for one final assault, if we fail, we’re done” and “we have precious few soldiers left”. How about instead of defending this kind of writing we can just call it out for what it is, inconsistent and absolute garbage?

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They could’ve made anything the unlocked for the cutscene. Including doing a quest for Tyrande to do the Battlefront. Or just meeting with Tyrande in 8.2.5

Instead they sat on the finished cutscene forever, until now. The canon fact is that the warfront was not won until 8.3.

shes wrong cause you cant use armies to fight nzoth, did you not play 8.3?

wonder why, it couldnt be that they didnt want horde players to feel bad about playing in a losing warfront when it just came out

Can you find any actual evidence or proof that either warfront was won in exactly one fight, Katiera?

They were fine having the alliance fight a losing battle at Theramore, WoT, Andorhal, but for some reason when it’s time for the horde to lose it’s not okay? That isn’t an excuse.

thats generally how battles go they dont make multiple sea invasions in once place over and over and over, specially when the navy is suppose to be dead.

lore =/= game mechanics

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but they did lose