What happened to the War in Warcraft?

It’s like a comet that comes back every year or two.

Except this one swings back around every two or three days.

I was being kind. Don’t want another timeout for a joke.

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We are smoll but full of RAGE.

And easily distracted by shiny objects.

tosses shiny marble

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Yea we know after the 30,000 threads about this

(Omg it was item when I made this and you changed it to marble!)


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thank god for that.
We dont need DEAD realms because entire servers are wasted for pvp that fewer are caring about.

someone quick…get that memo to Ion!!!


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Insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.

Remember that saying in about about 6 months when youre still here railing about this and no one is actually listening.

We’re all buddies now.
Which is why the story has sucked for years.

gee…now if ONLY we had something where players could fight against each other.
you know…maybe like a duel or maybe they could add some maps where two sides could slaughter each other?

and last I checked WARmode was still a thing…lol…for now, anyway.

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I played the original warcraft when it was new. We’ve actually got a copy around here of it somewhere packed away.
Its been DECADES now. and yeah…STALE is a great word for it at this point.

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First of all, Warcraft is the name of a brand, not a literal definition it has to adhere to at all times for 30 years. Secondly, we can be at “war” with more than the opposite faction (and are, every expansion). And finally, the PvP portion of this game has never, ever defined it. It probably defined the RTS slightly more, but even then, the VAST majority of players never touched a game against another human, and played the campaigns exclusively.

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World of Warcraft was originally between Horde and Alliance, not just Orcs and Humans. That was WC1/2. Even 3 had less Orcs v. Humans and more war against undead, demons, elves, etc.

To say that WoW has always been about Horde vs. Alliance when BC, Wrath, Warlords, Legion, SL, and Dragonflight literally exist (you can play them) is painfully disingenuous.

Vanilla, Cata, MoP, and BFA are the only four out of the ten expansions that heavlily feature the faction war. WoW has always had the underlying message of “Azeroth vs. Everything else.”


Also Horde:


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Honestly, i am surprised almost no one seems to care at this point.

To me, kinda makes the game a bit even more pointless.

Edit: I think there just arent enough players left to have kept the concept viable.

Is there a template somewhere where you just copy/paste this same nonsense over and over?

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If you believe this now, you also have to believe it for the entire history of the game. PvP is a niche playstyle, yet people would have you believe it’s defined the game since it’s inception. In the same way certain Diablo II players have rewrote history to make it seem like the #1 activity in that game was dueling for ears in camp rather than doing boss runs.

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I get what are saying from a mechanics thing.

Was more referring to a world environment thing

I often wonder where you people come from that take this great umbrage and act like a long tradition has been destroyed with the faction conflict being set aside.

If you were paying attention you’d notice throughout the entire game’s history we can’t get through an expac without the faction conflict being put aside, the factions uniting, our heroes together saving Azeroth and the day and yada yada yada.

It was never anything but a cheap and thinly inserted piece of plot thickening, action, and drama that was only ever resolved one way. The focus of the game was never on the faction conflict, it was always some big bad which happens to force the factions to unite. And after two decades of that the faction conflict starts to look rather absurd. How can all these brothers and sisters in arms who have on so many occasions united, fought and died beside one another for their world continue to pick up the gun or axe and charge into more senseless faction war built off race hatred? The simple answer is they can’t.

WoW’s lore is a tattered rag of bad ideas, bad execution, retcon, and lack of care, but putting away the faction conflict is one of the few smart moves in a sea of bad news and idiocy.