What happened to the War in Warcraft?

I’d like to think that there are more than one or two people that play Horde. In fact, there are probably closer to millions. So, why wouldn’t they have different opinions?

I think a lot of what you wrote is correct, but they may as well have saved everyone a lot of time and just started with “Horlliance” in the first place.

It was a bad decision, one of WoW’s original sins was trying to port a simple race based 2-side RTS system to an MMORPG that included PVP and that never intended to seriously engage with that system instead of hand-waving it away for uniting to kill big bads. It was something they should have realized in TBC or Wrath and begun moving away from.

I’m of the opinion we could have richer conflicts including PVP but we need a new system of factions that isn’t race based. Something more voluntary on the part of players. Mini-factions or houses based off class archetypes (e.g. one for the holy light, one for dark magic and those who seek power, one for martial prowess and fighting, one for the neutral magics and learning, one for nature, one for criminality), perhaps with those groups forming two alliances that works out to two sides that may even shift with story developments over time.

For you perhaps, but I love it. It’s 17 years beyond time we stopped having a giant collective learning disability brought on by… our characters memories getting erased?

PvP servers were removed because PvP griefers ruined world PvP to the point they made no sense, and Warmode Shard tech saved the company money.

Yes. We’re currently at war with the Primalists. Or do you not bother with the actual story?

You obviously know nothing of Disney, and have never seen:

  • Dumbo
  • Bambi
  • Old Yeller
  • Pinocchio
  • Snow White
  • Cinderella
  • Beauty and The Beast
  • 101 Dalmatians
  • Fantasia
  • Soul
  • Coco
  • Any of the Toy Story movies.
  • Peter Pan
  • Frozen
  • Lion King
  • The Kid
  • Mulan
  • Encanto
  • Saving Mr Banks
  • 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
    For starters!

Only if we all have brain damage, learning disabilities, and non-functioning memories. The Faction War has been nonsensical since we worked together to open Ahn’Qiraj.

Yes. The BEGINNING. Or, more importantly, not even halfway through the opening questlines because it’s stupid, and only done to appease the goldfish.

Want the Faction War? Cool. Go play Classic Vanilla. It’s why it’s there.

I’m happy to stay in retail now that we’re not brain damaged anymore. Huzzah.

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i say we gather up all the waffle houses and demolish them.

It’s boring and stupid and has been since Ahn’Qiraj.

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Some form of Overwatch still exists, yes?

Well after the last really big one everyone decided the “I was just following orders” defense was swell, and we stopped fighting.

Don’t worry about all the people that died. They would want this. I promise.

The moment you give anyone an option about their “side” in pvp, pvp becomes meaningless because people just stack their side.

People (in general) dont want even sided PVP. They want one sided pvp, where they win with no real threat of failure. Granted, people want this in PVE also.

Faction stories just get old, and when the faction war is the main aspect is greatly limits the story telling posisble.



Look at the state of WPvP; people won’t engage unless they have an overwhelming advantage and actively seek out targets that can’t fight back effectively. This is why players bemoan the loss of PvP Servers; they lost their captive playthings to the flexibility of War Mode.

‘PvP as a story’ never works because players will relentlessly stack as hard as possible, especially once the Snowball Effect kicks in, and the story will either have to go off the rails to reflect the reality of player populations or openly ignore player contributions, in which case why bother having PvP in the first place?

It’s lose-lose-lose all the way down.


The faction conflict is basically mechanical. For PvP to exist, there have to be teams. WoW has two teams. It’s a necessary gameplay concession. Has more been done in the past?? Sure. But Dark Age of Camelot and Shadowbane were a long, long time ago. And I would just point to the trail of bodies that consist of what used to be PvP-centric MMOs.

100% agree and the game is way worse because of it. THREE POINTS

ONE – Getting rid of PVP servers/adding warmode permanently made the game a lot worse.

You lost the special dynamic of two warring factions manned by real people. It was an organic, dynamic conflict that existed pretty much only in WoW as far as MMORPGs go. Defending towns, having to fight over resources, banding together to overtake a questing area being attacked… Real conflict in the virtual world with live-time decisions to be made.

Now you just have an instant invincibility button with warmode. Defending the crossroads doesn’t matter because you just turn invincible. Attacking the crossroads doesn’t matter because people can just turn invincible. The only people who pvp out in the world are joining wpvp groups or making a conscious decision – “I want to go PVP right now” – you completely lose the organic nature of seeing an enemy out in the wild while you are adventuring and having an epic fight. You didn’t intend to PVP, but now you are doing it because this is how the world works. (or sometimes, not fighting because it would be in both players’ best interest… again, organic dynamic lost)

The only people who like the change are people who did normal servers and that’s an objective fact. They had normal servers for those boring people who wanted to get into 0 spontaneous fights ever, for all time no fighting… it was a working system… but they had to just ruin it for everyone else.

TWO – And the story is getting too cute I agree. WoW’s always had a cute and/or comical and/or soft side but before it was a sideshow that added depth and variety to the fictional world… Now the dev’s have mistaken the cutesy stuff and the lets-get-along stuff for the game’s identity.

The game should fundamentally be about orcs and co warring against humans and co. That should be the main story forever, with other things that take place secondary to that conflict.

THREE – Horde and Alliance don’t even matter whatsoever now with cross-faction everything. They aren’t even in the friggen story either… Like where is Thrall? Jaina? Do any of them have anything to say about anything that is going on right now? Hello??

And as a consequence the game has lost its soul

believe it or not this was once the beloved game where you could expect to hear some good-natured “faction-pride” banter… People actually got tattoos of their faction and sh*t. It was an entire subculture within gaming. Lost, gone.

Longtime retail-only player and retail-forever defender, and I’ve become a full-on classic player instead in the last few months. Call me crazy, but I like feeling like an adventurer in a fantasy world at war when I play World of Warcraft

All this and about 15 other things have just made the game bad… There is no adventure. You can get to anywhere in the world with a couple clicks so you never have a reason to go out exploring or actually see anything. The entire scenery is a waste.

Need a cool sword?

Click (now you’re in dalaran)
Click (now you’re in argus)
20-40 seconds later (now you’re 1-shotting mythic raid bosses)
Now cool sword

Everyone gets everything for 0 effort. 2-4 clicks per “adventure”

All PvP Faction WPVP was was ganking. Nothing more. No one actually engaged in a straight fight because a straight fight was an unknown variable; you made damn sure you got the first strike and chain-CC’d your victim down, or you exclusively targeted lowbies that had no mechanism to fight back other than to beg other high levels to come to their area and fend off the ganker who could just vanish somewhere in the zone, wait a bit, and resume the camp.

PvP servers also held players hostage because friend groups would want to play together, and if the majority of the group wanted WPvP, then even non-PvP aligned players would have to play on that server.

Forced WPVP was nothing but garbage.

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What do you mean? Its still there. The War in warcraft never left. We have been at WAR every single expansion. LK we were at war with the LK. MOP we were at War with Garrosh, Legion we were at war with the Burning Legion, BFA we were at war with each other/N’zoth. Shadowlands we were at War with the Jailer and this expansion we are at war with Fyrakk and his followers.

We are still at war with Various factions. Just not Horde vs Alliance anymore. But War is still very much there vs other factions. Its World of Warcraft not Horde vs Alliance.

So yes we have ALWAYS been at War with someone. Sorry its not who you want. Your argument holds no water. The War in Warcraft never left


looks around at the Forsaken and Blood Elves being on the Horde

Hmm, it actually looks like that’s exactly how it works.

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It’s not just the Undead, also trolls and Orcs. The only race they had no beef with were the Tauren.^^"