What happened to the War in Warcraft?

Why don’t you just play with Warmode on? Do Bgs.


They should try removing factions for pvp then. In av we can all meet in the middle and have a sing along

Yeah remember when we burnt down a tree in faction vs faction war and the player base went ape mode, threatening devs irl, calling a whole other group of players in one faction a certain socialist group. Thats why you don’t get that anymore.

The story line has no impact on fighting against other players.


Again burning a teldrasil says otherwise. Like I get we like to pretend bfa didn’t happen but you can’t forget the deficate show that created amongst the player base.

I am guess there was another youtube vid about the war in warcraft.


I dont remember there being more in game PVP because of the burning of teldrasil.

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You had players threatening devs irl and calling one faction of the player base a certain socialist group. Pvp happened in and outside the game.


But within the context of who I was talking they are specifically referring to in game PVP.

Not IRL threats, etc. But specifically in game PVP.

Yes but do you see why as a result of what happened when they put in that kind of stuff loosely in the game why they would not do it again or take it further?

tries lighting a match

Come on… come on… ack. I want to burn the new tree but no I can’t.

Down with the tree!

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That’s the textbook definition of a “fools errand”.

I mean. Sure. But at this point we are talking about 2 completely different things.

This is what I responded to.

“WoW’s story has always been Alliance vs Horde. That is what the actual “war” means”. Fighting against other players in PVP is different than fighting against NPCs/AI because they respond differently"

I am saying that their first point (the story) has no bearing on the existence of, or people participating in PVP. Which is what they followed up with.

So asking WoW to go back to Alliance vs Horde story when their entire point is “PVP cause fighting people is better” is silly.

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I know but im saying it does in the sense of the pvp (player vs player) happened outside of the game. They were at each others throats in some horrible ways.

This I agree with

you know, i am all for faction vs faction in games but the issue is, players just stack one side EVERY SINGLE TIME.


Even the outrage posts are boring now

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I guess you weren’t a fan of Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos in that case? Ya’ know, when the Elves, Kul’Tirans, and Horde joined together to take down Archimonde.

Yep. Because everyone hated them. Including PvP:ers.

Considering this has been one of the most fundamental themes in the game since at least Warcraft III … yah’. That’s kinda an important aspect. We fight to maintain and create peace against foes that seek to undermine it.

Don’t play Warcraft games in that case.

Yes. I also see that it is called “World” as well. You know as in a living breathing world. Things that are living breathing and intelligent tend to not wish to eradicate themselves. Which is why we fight for peace and all the most important lore characters have historically fought for a world in which everyone can accept each others.

Blizzard isn’t run by Disney. And this is still just a ridiculously moronic forum idea that has its basis in nothing.

Turn on Warmode if you want to do that. If you are thinking lore-wise … BFA is literally the only time when the Horde and Alliance has truly been fighting each other. But even so, that wasn’t the primary theme of the expansion not even when it came to the faction conflict. It is honestly concerning how few people watch the cinematics such as when Jaina shouts at Baine “Is he the bomb this time?!”.

Mists of Pandaria: Alliance and Horde both sought to expand their land. The Alliance respected the Pandarens autonomy, Garrosh did not even though the rest of the Horde did. We fought against Garrosh, not the Horde. Both the Horde and Alliance fought against the greater threat which then became Garrosh due to his insane racist beliefs about what the Horde meant.

Legion: No faction conflict to speak of. It was just Genn hunting Sylvanas and that was literally it.

BFA: Both the Horde and Alliance saw a problem with Azeroth (even if we later learned that Sylvanas was working on sending souls to The Maw). Sylvanas attacked Teldrassil and none of the other Horde leaders agreed with her. They at best tolerated her leadership due to the trauma of the Horde splitting apart during Garrosh’s reign. So a unified Horde was better than a splintered one, especially since it was somewhat important to maintain peaceful leaders high up in the Horde to do things like retrieve Derek’s body and have it be returned to Jaina.

Whereas on the Alliance side, as long as Sylvanas was in charge … no cooperation and healing could realistically take place. Ergo, the faction conflict was only a tool to deal with Sylvanas. Which, again, was the same thing as the Garrosh-conflict. All in order to deal with the greater enemy that was N’Zoth.

Your best three examples of faction conflict… two of them did not have realistically a faction conflict. Mists had a subplot that was then revealed to become the main plot, and Legion had nothing. BFA had a main plot that was revealed to be the subplot for N’Zoth. BFA did have the conflict act as theming though so you have that going for you, but even then love, peace, and understanding was hugely relevant for the entire plot of BFA.

Posts like yours is why I’m telling people that the whole “War” in “Warcraft” is just a pointless meme. Devoid of substance, meaning, purpose, or even as much as a half-hearted attempt at making some kind of a point.

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Yah’ but WoW has never been that. Not even from a Warcraft perspective because the game originated as an RTS. So no, the game has never been about “thrilling combat against other players”. It has been about strategy and, honestly for most people, fighting senseless and very easily abusable bots.

Enough with these posts. There is still war. Just because it isn’t between Horde and Alliance anymore doesn’t detract from that. Get over yourselves.


It’s almost always blood elf and squeaky vulpera players, who are trying so hard to be the biggest edge lords for some reason… :joy: