What happened to the War in Warcraft?

This horse sure is dead… where’d I put my stick?? Ah, here it is…



Then ever single post after it walks it back.

Oh wow another one of these threads cause we totally needed more on the forums.


I’m itching for a fight!


It’s the world where Warcraft 1-3 occurred, not the world of war is always happening.

Where we burnt down a tree and then the player base went ape mode and threatened devs irl. So if you wanna know why we don’t have that anymore you have your answer


I dunno about you but fighting some wacko fire druids and a giant proto-drake seems pretty war to me.

faction wars suck because you literally can’t have a winner due to the fact the playerbase is split between said factions.

They will never be good for anything story wise tbh and since Warcraft 3 Blizzard has been writing stories trying to effectively end the faction conflict until it’s the only thing they can think of.



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Should not be forgotten. Probably the only time I ever felt ashamed to be part of this “community”. Also with the accusing of Horde players being part of a certain national socialist party. Disgraceful behavior.


You mean other than the war against Illidan in “Burning Crusade”, against Arthas and his army in “Wrath of the Lich King”, against Deathwing in “Cataclysm”, against Garrosh and the Sha in “Mists of Pandaria”, against the Iron Horde in “Warlords of Draenor”, against the Legion in “Legion”, against N’zoth in “Battle for Azeroth”, against the Maw in “Shadowlands”, and against the primalists in “Dragonflight”?

The war doesn’t have to just be between the Alliance and the Horde. Besides, if you really want to go after someone for naming, go after the Final Fantasy guys. There are more than 16 of those.

The irony I took from it was who the actual “toxic” player base is. For so long its always been a vocal point the high end players are the toxic part of the wow community for one reason or another. When the burning of teldrasil happened we didn’t care cause it didn’t affect mplus, raids or pvp but the rp/story fanbase went insane and now everytime they accuse us of being toxic I point them back to bfa and remind them of that.

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World of Warcraft was originally between orcs and humans…alliance vs horde…so to say we are at war with everyone else and just not each other gets away from the original game…and many people do not like that.

Fighting in PVE is not the same as fighting in PVP, an AI is never going to respond the same, at least not in today’s age of gaming, as another player, especially one who thinks outside the box and does stuff the AI (and their computer programmers) have thought of yet.

The feel and thrill of combat against another human cannot be equated to fighting a senseless bot.

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The conflict between the horde and alliance got stale. Add in that each expansion is a new land that all we do is fight over resources there, boring. I think it would be interesting to add more zone control features like claiming towers so one faction has control and benefits in that zone, and maybe another buff to which faction has the most zones on that realm.

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there are better factions and candidates to have wars against, with more fleshed out stories that are unused, that’s all

Okay? But that’s not at all what I was talking about nor my point.

While I agree, what can we do about it? It’s a trend in society, not just Warcraft. Unfortunately some feel the need to try and change things/people they don’t like instead of just moving on and leaving well enough alone.

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again.

I picked a horde character, not an alliance one.

Why would I want to help these clowns? Why do I need to listen to their leaders? Why do vendors say “for the alliance” EVERYWHERE now?!

Thrall broke my heart when he didn’t just finish Anduin off in that latest cinematic. He shoulda just clobbered him and been done with all this.

I get it, it’s easier to write one story. It saves the company money cause it saves them time, but man…what a disappointment to be forced to play with these pathetic alliance dogs.

Maybe we’ll get lucky and get to burn down the new tree too. We can wait 'till it’s fully populated I guess.

Um, what?
Maybe I misunderstand you but it seems like you’re suggesting it’s a negative for ‘society’ to want to have peace.